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Getting to the Bottom of the Facts on Trawling

As an industry we are open to conversations about where we fish and how. We have already prohibited trawling from 30% of our fisheries waters to protect the seabed. We are also investigating new fishing technology to reduce our impact. Is trawling the terrible thing that some commentators believe it to be? No. But it can be improved. We are working to improve it, with good science as our guide.


Chatham Rise orange roughy survey results

A successful acoustic and biological survey programme of the Northwest and Northeast Chatham Rise orange roughy (ORH) spawning stocks was carried out on Sanford’s San Waitaki during a 30-day voyage from mid-June to mid-July.


Our history

Our history Deepwater Council is committed to the sustainable management of New Zealand's deepwater fisheries. Formed in 2005, DWG works in partnership with the Ministry for Primary Industries and other interest groups, to ensure New Zealand’s deepwater fisheries resources are managed to optimise their long-term sustainable yields. Prior to 2005, there were separate management companies...

BPAs and MPAs – Is There a Difference?

New Zealand’s Benthic Protection Areas (BPAs) are internationally-recognised as a type of Marine Protected Area (MPA).  The IUCN recognises seven categories of MPAs and BPAs meet Category VI.


The Squid Fishery and New Zealand Sea Lions

The Squid Fishery and New Zealand Sea Lions Published: 28 August 2018 What’s causing the decline of sea lions? And what’s the remedy? The New Zealand sea lion population at Auckland Islands (Figure 1) is assessed to have declined from around 15,000 animals in 2000 to around 10,000 today – very much a cause for...

Leaked Risk Profile Reports Show MPI is Effectively Monitoring Fisheries Compliance

Leaked Risk Profile Reports Show MPI is Effectively Monitoring Fisheries Compliance Published: 8 June 2018 Summary Two confidential internal Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) reports that profiled compliance risks in the hoki and southern blue whiting fisheries during 2011 and 2012 were leaked to the media. Media reports claim that these reports reveal wholesale misreporting...

Environmental organisations unsure how science works

Environmental organisations unsure how science works Published: 21 February 2018 Recent attacks from environmental organisations on the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and New Zealand’s seafood industry have reached a new level of banality and predictability. As MSC continues to succeed and to certify more and more of the well managed fisheries, particularly within the Western...

Fishing industry dismisses claim fishery should not be certified sustainable

Fishing industry dismisses claim fishery should not be certified sustainable Published: 26 January 2018 Accusations that the fishing industry is responsible for any population decrease of Salvin’s albatross are untrue and has been dismissed by Deepwater Group chief executive, George Clement. The claim was made by Forest & Bird in a bid to discredit the...

More breeding albatrosses at remote Snares Islands

An annual southern Buller's albatross census on the Snares Islands has been successful with more breeding pairs counted and banded. These remote islands, 120 km south of Stewart Island, are home to the main breeding grounds for this endemic albatross. The survey was undertaken by scientist Paul Sagar, who like many of these beautiful birds, has been...

Hoki, Hake and Ling Trawl Fishery Reassessment 2024

The trawl fisheries for hake (HAK 1, HAK 4), hoki (HOK 1 East and West) and ling (LIN 3, LIN 4, LIN 5, LIN 6, LIN 7) are MSC certified. They passed the fourth surveillance audit in 2023 and are being re-assessed in 2024. To view Lloyd's Register's Surveillance Report from October 2023 - click...

DWC 2022-23 Annual Report

Our annual report provides an overview of our activities and achievements over the past year, as well as key statistics and information about NZ's deepwater seafood industry


Hoki, Hake and Ling Trawl Fishery Surveillance Audit 2023

The trawl fisheries for hake (HAK 1, HAK 4), hoki (HOK 1 East and West) and ling (LIN 3, LIN 4, LIN 5, LIN 6, LIN 7) are MSC certified. They have now passed their third surveillance audit in June 2022 and will be undergoing their fourth audit in 2023, and a reassessment in 2024....

Fewer barriers needed when it comes to commercial fishing innovation

SNZ’s Aaron Irving is urging FNZ to proceed with its proposal to reduce the barriers to fishing innovation designed to strengthen environmental performance. Mr Irving is commenting on the draft Fisheries Industry Transformation Plan, released on 27 April, and the proposed action to ‘Review regulatory settings and operations to identify and mitigate regulatory barriers to fishing innovation’ in particular (action 1.1.2).


Net Gains – Ray Hilborn

Eating wild-caught fish is better for the environment and biodiversity than consuming meat or even crops, argues RAY HILBORN.


Net sounder technology ban under review

A ban on new technology that increases trawl efficiency and reduces environmental impacts is under review. Fisheries New Zealand (FNZ) has called for submissions on a proposal to revoke the prohibition on the use of net sonde cables that is seen as outdated and outmoded by the deepwater sector.


Minister provides for the co-management of the NZ hoki fishery

During 2022-23, owners of hoki quota have again agreed that the industry will continue to take a conservative approach to the management of this fishery.

In his most recent decision letter, the Minister agreed with this approach, and in recognition of the co-management of the hoki fishery, has provided for the HOK 1 TACC to remain at 110,000 tonnes for the 2022-23 year.


Orange roughy fishery re-certified as sustainable

Deepwater Group praises industry’s science investment, encourages more government research.
New Zealand’s three largest orange roughy fisheries have again exceeded the very high standards required to achieve Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification.


Hoki, Hake and Ling Trawl Fishery Surveillance Audit 2022

The trawl fisheries for hake (HAK 1, HAK 4), hoki (HOK 1 East and West) and ling (LIN 3, LIN 4, LIN 5, LIN 6, LIN 7) are MSC certified. They have now passed their third surveillance audit in June 2022 and will be undergoing a re-assessment in 2023. To view Lloyd's Register's Surveillance Report...

Orange Roughy MSC Reassessment (OLD)

2016 - three New Zealand orange roughy fisheries (ORH 3B East and South Chatham Rise, ORH 3B North West Chatham Rise, and ORH 7A including Westpac Bank) were certified by MRAG Americas against the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Fisheries Standard (CR v1.3) with four conditions. 2018 - two of the four conditions were closed. 2020 - orange...

Partnering with CSIRO for orange roughy research

Deepwater fisheries quota owners have committed to a five-year scientific research and monitoring programme.

In partnership with Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), the programme aims to assess the biomass of selected deepwater fish stocks and to monitor and quantify fisheries interactions with deepwater benthic communities.


Ray Hilborn: MPA’s not the answer to ocean biodiversity, sustainability efforts

Republished from
A global movement to create additional marine protected areas (MPAs) has been steadily gaining traction in recent years, with the initiative picking up milestone victories in the past few months.
In January, newly inaugurated U.S. President Joe Biden signed an executive order committing to a “30 by 30” goal, whereby the United States would designated 30 percent of its land and territorial waters to conservation by the year 2030. The move heightened the potential that MPAs will be used as a tool to tackle climate change.


Video library

Video library New Zealand orange roughy In 2016 New Zealand's largest orange roughy fisheries received Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification.  This is a big achievement given the fisheries were overfished during the 1980-90s. The MSC’s sustainability tick is recognition of the improvements made in the science and management that has seen the fisheries rebuild to...

Hoki, Hake and Ling Trawl Fishery Surveillance Audit 2021

The trawl fisheries for hake (HAK 1, HAK 4), hoki (HOK 1 East and West) and ling (LIN 3, LIN 4, LIN 5, LIN 6, LIN 7) are MSC certified and passed their annual audit in 2021. DWG undertakes to make all non-confidential information that is provided to the Conformance Assessment Body publicly available on...

October round of fisheries decisions

Catch limits will be increased for 26 fisheries and reduced for three fisheries as part of a regular round of reviews designed to ensure ongoing sustainability of fisheries resources.


Orange Roughy Audit 2020

In 2016 three New Zealand orange roughy fisheries (ORH 3B East and South Chatham Rise, ORH 3B North West Chatham Rise, and ORH 7A including Westpac Bank) were certified by MRAG Americas against the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Fisheries Standard (CR v1.3) with four conditions. In 2018 two of the four conditions were closed. These two conditions...

Seafood sustainability improves and meets international standards

The Environment Aotearoa Report 2019, released today by the Ministry for the Environment and StatsNZ, shows the environmental performance of New Zealand’s seafood industry has improved markedly. Recognition of this is welcomed by the Deepwater Group, representing the deepwater seafood sector including quota owners harvesting hoki, hake, ling, southern blue whiting, squid, jack mackerel, orange...

Participating in reducing plastic pollution

Participating in reducing plastic pollution Published: 27 June 2018 The New Zealand seafood industry is at the forefront of sustainable and environmentally responsible seafood, but, along with other industries, recognises the contribution it must make to combat plastic pollution in the marine environment. Left unchecked, plastics pose a threat to fisheries and food supplies. Once...

Ocean Bounty season two underway

Ocean Bounty season two underway Published: 16 May 2018 Ocean Bounty, an hour-long documentary series on commercial fishing, began its second season on 13 May. It's a 13 episode series that screens on Three at 5pm each Sunday. Hosted by Graeme Sinclair, the show traverses New Zealand’s coastline, and further, telling the sector’s stories. Season two...

Sage wants NZ sea lion decline reversed

Sage wants NZ sea lion decline reversed (reposted from the NZ Herald) 22 February 2018 Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage wants the decline of New Zealand's iconic sea lion reversed, with pup numbers having fallen by 40 per cent in just 20 years. Photo / Gareth Hopkins, DOC   By: Jamie Morton Science Reporter, NZ Herald

Japan and NZ collaborate on seabirds

Japan and NZ collaborate on seabirds Published: 19 December 2017 New Zealand seabird experts met with a group from Japan to share information on seabird mitigation and bycatch in November. Five scientists from Japan's National Research Institute for Far Seas Fisheries met with various people closely involved in seabird incidental capture management. The consortium included...

IEMRS being slowed down

IEMRS being slowed down Published: 15 November 2017 Commercial fishers are welcoming the announcement that the implementation of the Integrated Electronic Monitoring and Reporting System (IEMRS) will be slowed down. Fisheries Minister Stuart Nash said he has instructed Ministry for Primary Industries officials to look at options for readjusting the current IEMRS timeframes. “Digital monitoring...

Commercial fishermen support getting digital monitoring right

Commercial fishermen support getting digital monitoring right Published: 14 November 2017 Deepwater Group, which represent commercial fishermen in New Zealand’s deep-water fisheries, support the Labour Government’s decision to slow down the implementation of IEMRS (Integrated Electronic Monitoring and Reporting System) to ensure the new measures are effective.  The Labour Government has committed to implementing digital...

Fish stocks on the rise

Fish stocks on the rise Published: 17 October 2017 Increased biomass in red gurnard and orange roughy fisheries has seen a rise in catch limits. The Ministry for Primary Industries announced the adjustments as part of their twice-yearly fisheries sustainability review. The orange roughy fishery - ORH3B Puysegur - south of Stewart Island has been...

Another orange roughy success story

Another orange roughy success story Published: 22 September 2017 An orange roughy fishery south of Stewart Island has been given the green light to reopen after 19 years. In 1998, the seafood industry agreed to cease fishing in the ORH3B Puysegur area to rest the fishery to allow stocks to rebuild. Over the past 19 years...

Orange roughy biomass surveys completed

Orange roughy biomass surveys completed Published: 9 August 2017 Two acoustic biomass surveys of orange roughy were successfully completed in June-July 2017. These surveys were the result of a collaborative effort between government, scientists and industry. The two surveys were approved by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) and designed by New Zealand science institute...

Commercial fishing industry worth more than $4 billion to NZ economy – BERL

Commercial fishing industry worth more than $4 billion to NZ economy – BERL Published: 8 August 2017 A new report from economic researchers BERL has confirmed the importance of the commercial fishing industry to New Zealand. The report, The economic contribution of commercial fishing to the New Zealand economy, shows commercial fishing is worth $4.18...

More breeding albatrosses at remote Snares Islands

More breeding albatrosses at remote Snares Islands Published: 7 June 2017 An annual southern Buller's albatross census on the Snares Islands has been successful with more breeding pairs counted and banded. These remote islands, 120 km south of Stewart Island, are home to the main breeding grounds for this endemic albatross. The survey was undertaken by scientist...