Hoki, Hake, Ling trawl fishery
surveillance audit 2022
The trawl fisheries for hake (HAK 1, HAK 4), hoki (HOK 1 East and West) and ling (LIN 3, LIN 4, LIN 5, LIN 6, LIN 7) are MSC certified. They have now passed their third surveillance audit in June 2022 and will be undergoing a re-assessment in 2023.
To view Lloyd's Register's Surveillance Report August 2022 [click here].
DWG undertakes to make all non-confidential information that is provided to the Conformance Assessment Body publicly available on this webpage to ensure all documents are easily accessible by all participants.
A summary of the key information from these references can be found in the Situation Report [click here].
MSC sets the highest independent science-based international seafood sustainability standards, covering three broad principles:
"A fishery must be conducted in a manner that does not lead to over-fishing or depletion of the exploited populations and, for those populations that are depleted, the fishery must be conducted in a manner that demonstrably leads to their recovery."
The intent of this principle is to ensure that the productive capacities of the resources are maintained at high levels and are not sacrificed in favour of short-term interests.
Key P1 References
Ballara, S.L. (2019). A descriptive analysis of all ling (Genypterus blacodes) fisheries, and CPUE for ling fisheries in LIN 5&6, from 1990 to 2017. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2019/49. 88 p. [click here]
Dunn, M.R. & Langley, A. (2018). A review of the hoki stock assessment in 2018. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2018/42. 55 p. [click here]
Dunn, A; Mormede, S; Webber, D N (in prep) Stock assessment of hake (Merluccius australis) on the west coast South Island (HAK 7) for the 2021–22 fishing year. Draft New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report.
DWG (2021). DWG Operational Procedures for 2021-22. Update for Operational Managers and Vessels. 2 p. [click here]
FNZ (2021). Review of Sustainability Measures for the 2021-22 October Round. Fisheries New Zealand Decision Paper. 275 p. [click here]
FNZ (2021a). Changes to sustainability measures for the 2021 October Round. 16 p. [click here]
FNZ (2022). Fisheries Assessment Plenary May 2022: Stock Assessments and Stock Status, Vol. 1 Introductory Sections and Alfonsino to Hoki (Hake pp. 553-588; Hoki pp.589-643). [click here]
FNZ (2022a). Fisheries Assessment Plenary May 2022: Stock Assessments and Stock Status, Vol. 2 Horse mussel to Red crab (Ling pp.775-819). [click here]
Holmes, S J (2021) Stock assessment of hake (Merluccius australis) on Chatham Rise (HAK 4) for the 2019–20 fishing year. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2021/22. 55 p. [click here]
Kienzle, M (2021) Stock assessment for ling off the west coast South Island (LIN 7WC) to the 2018–19 fishing year. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2021/18. 22 p. [click here]
Langley, A.D. (2020). Review of the 2019 hoki stock assessment. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2020/28. 52 p. [click here]
MacGibbon, D.J., Ballara, S.L., Schimel, A.C.G. and O’Driscoll, R.L. (2019). Trawl survey of hoki and middle-depth species in the Southland and Sub-Antarctic areas, November–December 2018 (TAN1811). New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2019/71. 96 p. [click here]
McGregor, V. (In prep.). Hoki population modelling. Presentation to Deep Water Working Group 30 February, 2021. DWWG 2021-53.
McGregor, V. (In prep.). Hoki population modelling. Presentation to Deep Water Working Group 8 April 2021. DWWG 2021-56.
Mormede, S; Dunn, A; Webber, D N (2021) Descriptive analysis and stock assessment model inputs of ling (Genypterus blacodes) in the Sub-Antarctic (LIN 5&6) for the 2020–21 fishing year. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2021/60. 113 p. [click here]
Mormede, S.; Dunn, A. & Webber, D.N. (2021a). Stock assessment of ling (Genypterus blacodes) in the Sub-Antarctic (LIN 5&6) for the 2020–21 fishing year. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2021/64. [click here]
Mormede, S; Dunn, A; Webber, D N (in prep. a) Descriptive analysis and stock assessment model inputs of ling (Genypterus blacodes) on the Chatham Rise (LIN 3&4) for the 2021–22 fishing year. Draft New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report.
Mormede, S; Dunn, A; Webber, D N (in prep. b) Stock assessment of ling (Genypterus blacodes) on the Chatham Rise (LIN 3&4) for the 2021–22 fishing year. Draft New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report.
Mormede, S; Dunn, A; Webber, D N (in prep. c) Spatial-temporal standardisation of commercial longline and trawl survey catches of ling (Genypterus blacodes) on the Chatham Rise (LIN 3&4). Draft New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report.
O’Driscoll, R.L. and Ballara, S.L. (2019). Trawl and acoustic survey of hoki and middle depth fish abundance on the west coast South Island, July–August 2018 (TAN1807). New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2019/19. 120 p. [click here]
O’Driscoll, R. L. & Escobar-Flores, P. (2020). Acoustic survey of spawning hoki in Cook Strait and off the east coast South Island during winter 2019. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2020/21. 39 p. [click here]
"Fishing operations should allow for the maintenance of the structure, productivity, function and diversity of the ecosystem (including habitat and associated dependent and ecologically related species) on which the fishery depends."
The intent of this principle is to encourage the management of fisheries from an ecosystem perspective under a system designed to restrain the impacts of the fishery on the ecosystem.
Key P2 References
Baird, S.J. and Mules, R. (2021). Extent of bottom contact by commercial trawling and dredging in New Zealand waters, 1989–90 to 2018–19. Draft New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 260. 161 p. [click here]
Baker, B., Jensz, K. (2019). 2018 aerial survey of Salvin's albatross at the Bounty Islands. Final report to the Conservation Services Programme, Department of Conservation. Latitude 42, Australia. 11 p. [click here]
Baker, C.S., Boren, L., Childerhouse, S., Constantine, R., van Helden, A., Lundquist, D., Rayment W., Rolfe,J.R. (2019). Conservation status of New Zealand marine mammals, 2019. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 29. 18 p. [click here]
Cleal, J. (2019). Deepwater Group Environmental Liaison Officer (ELO) Report 2018-19. 10 p. [click here]
Cleal, J. (2020). Deepwater Group Environmental Liaison Officer (ELO) Report for the 2019-20 Fishing Year. 7 p. [click here]
Cleal, J. (2021). Deepwater Group Environmental Liaison Officer (ELO) Report for the 2020-21 Fishing Year. 7 p. [click here]
DOC (2017). New Zealand sea lion/rāpoka Threat Management Plan 2017 – 2022. 17 p. [click here]
Dragonfly (2019). Protected species bycatch 2002-03 to 2017-18. [click here]
DWG (2022). Operational Procedures. [click here]
Finucci, B., Edwards, C.T.t., Anderson, O.F. and Ballara, S.L. (2019). Fish and invertebrate bycatch in New Zealand deepwater fisheries from 1990-91 to 2016-17. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity report No. 210. 77 p. [click here]
FNZ (2019). Protected Fish Species Reporting Requirements for Non-Fish/Protected Species. Fisheries Management Fact Sheet 5. 3 p. [click here]
FNZ (2020). National Plan of Action – Seabirds 2020. Supporting Document. 49 p. [click here]
FNZ (2020a). National Plan of Action – Seabirds 2020. Seabird Annual Report 2018/19. Fisheries New Zealand Information Paper No: 2020/08. 67 p. [click here]
FNZ (2020b). National Plan of Action – Seabirds 2020. Implementation Plan v2. 14 p. [click here]
FNZ (2021). Annual Review Report for Deepwater Fisheries 2019/20. Fisheries New Zealand Technical Paper No: 2021/02. [click here]
FNZ (2021a). Annual Operational Plan for Deepwater Fisheries 2021/22. Fisheries New Zealand Technical Paper No: 2021/04. [click here]
FNZ (2021b). Protected species bycatch 2002-03 to 2019-20. [click here]
FNZ (2021c). National Plan of Action – Seabirds 2020. Seabird Annual Report 2019/20. Fisheries New Zealand Information Paper No: 2021/18. 88 p. [click here]
FNZ (2022). Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Annual Review 2021. Compiled by the Aquatic Environment Team, Fisheries Science and Information, Fisheries New Zealand, Wellington New Zealand. 779 p. [click here]
Francis, M. (2017). Review of commercial fishery interactions and population information for New Zealand basking shark. Prepared for Department of Conservation. 44 p. [click here]
Helson, J., Leslie, S., Clement, G., Wells, R. and Wood, R. (2010). Private rights, public benefits: Industry-driven seabed protection. Marine Policy 34, 557–566. [click here]
MPI (2021). Notice to Vessel on Statutory Reporting Requirements. MPI Compliance example letter for forwarding to operators. 1 p. [click here]
Richard, Y., Abraham, E. R., & Berkenbusch, K. (2020). Assessment of the risk of commercial fisheries to New Zealand seabirds, 2006–07 to 2016–17. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 237. 57 p. [click here]
Robertson, H. A.; Dowding, J. E.; Elliott, G. P.; Hitchmough, R. A.; Miskelly, C. M.; O’Donnell, C. F. J.; Powlesland, R. G.; Sagar, P. M.; Scofield, R. P.; Taylor, G. A. (2013). Conservation status of New Zealand birds, 2012. NZ Threat Classification Series 4. Department of Conservation. Wellington. [click here]
Waugh, S.M.; Bartle J.A. 2013. Westland petrel. In: Miskelly, C.M. (ed.) New Zealand Birds Online. [click here]
Waugh, S.M., Barbraud, C., Adams, L., Freeman, A.N.D., Wilson, K-J, Wood, G., Landers, T.J. & Baker, G.B. (2015). Modeling the demography and population dynamics of a subtropical seabird, and the influence of environmental factors. DOI: 10.1650/CONDOR-14-141.1 [click here]
Young, M. and Manno, K. (2022). Auckland Islands 2021/22 New Zealand Sea Lion /pakake/whakahao field research report. Conservation Services Programme pup count. Prepared for the Department of Conservation (DOC). 34 p. [click here]
"The fishery is subject to an effective management system that respects local, national and international laws and standards and incorporates institutional and operational frameworks that require the use of the resource to be responsible and sustainable."
The intent of this principle is to ensure that there is an institutional and operational framework for implementing Principles 1 and 2, appropriate to the size and scare of the fishery.
Key P3 References
DWG (2019). FNZ-Deepwater Operator’s Meeting Summary and Action Points Dec19. 2 p. [click here]
DWG (2020). FNZ-Deepwater Operator’s Meeting Agenda Jun20. 1 p. [click here]
DWG (2021). Operational Procedures. [click here]
FNZ (2019). National Fisheries Plan for Deepwater and Middle-depth Fisheries 2019. Fisheries New Zealand Technical Paper No: 2019/03. 34 p. [click here]
FNZ (2019a). Protected Fish Species Reporting Requirements for Non-Fish/Protected Species. Fisheries Management Fact Sheet 5. 3 p. [click here]
FNZ (2020). National Plan of Action – Seabirds 2020. Reducing the incidental mortality of seabirds in fisheries. 21 p. [click here]
FNZ (2020a). Annual Operational Plan for Deepwater Fisheries 2020/21. Fisheries New Zealand Technical Paper No: 2020/04. 47 p. [click here]
FNZ (2020b). Annual Review Report for Deepwater Fisheries 2018/19. Fisheries New Zealand Discussion Paper No: 2020/01. 95 + 19 p. [click here]
FNZ (2020c). Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Annual Review 2019-20. Compiled by the Aquatic Environment Team, Fisheries Science Information, Fisheries New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand. 765 p. [click here]
FNZ (2020d). Medium Term Research Plan for Deepwater Fisheries 2020/21 – 2024/25. Fisheries New Zealand Information Paper No: 2020/01. 21 p. [click here]
FNZ (2021). Annual Operational Plan for Deepwater Fisheries 2021/22. Fisheries New Zealand Technical Paper No: 2021/04. [click here]
FNZ (2021a). Annual Review Report for Deepwater Fisheries 2019/20. Fisheries New Zealand Technical Paper No: 2021/02. [click here]
FNZ (2022). Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Annual Review 2021. Compiled by the Aquatic Environment Team, Fisheries Science and Information, Fisheries New Zealand, Wellington New Zealand. 779 p. [click here] https://www.mpi.govt.nz/dmsdocument/51472-Aquatic-Environment-and-Biodiversity-Annual-Review-AEBAR-2021-A-summary-of-environmental-interactions-between-the-seafood-sector-and-the-aquatic-environment
Helson, J., Leslie, S., Clement, G., Wells, R. and Wood, R. (2010). Private rights, public benefits: Industry-driven seabed protection. Marine Policy 34, 557–566. [click here]
IQANZ (2018). Deepwater Fisheries Management Independent Quality Assurance Review Report. Prepared for Ministry for Primary Industries by Independent Quality Assurance New Zealand (IQANZ). 13 p. [click here]
MFish (2009). Fisheries 2030: New Zealanders maximising the benefits from the use of fisheries within environmental limits. Ministry of Fisheries, Wellington. [click here]
MFish (2011). Research and Science Information Standard for New Zealand Fisheries. Ministry of Fisheries, April 2011. 31 p. [click here]
MPI (2008). Harvest Strategy Standard for New Zealand Fisheries. Ministry for Primary Industries. 25 p. [click here]
MPI (2010). Memorandum of Understanding: Continuing a partnership between the Ministry of Fisheries and the deepwater fishing industry for the management of New Zealand’s deepwater fisheries. 12 p. [click here]
MPI (2010a). Hoki Fisheries Plan Chapter: National Fisheries Plan for Deepwater and Middle-depth Fisheries Part 1B. 51 p. [click here]
MPI (2011). Ling Fisheries Plan Chapter: National Fisheries Plan for Deepwater and Middle-depth Fisheries Part 1B. 50 p. [click here]
MPI (2013). Hake Fisheries Plan Chapter: National Fisheries Plan for Deepwater and Middle-depth Fisheries Part 1B. 29 p. [click here]
MPI (2013a). National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks. 32 p. [click here]
MPI (2019). Fisheries Compliance: DW Operators Meeting – Nelson 5th March 2019. PowerPoint presentation prepared by Ministry for Primary Industries. [click here]
MPI (2020). Risk Management and Compliance HOK and SBW. Ministry for Primary Industries memo to deepwater operators, June 2020. 2 p. [click here]
Surveillance Report
Lloyd's Register's Surveillance Report August 2022 [click here].