Southern blue whiting
trawl fishery
reassessment 2024

The SBW 6B and SBW 6I trawl fisheries have been MSC-certified since 2012. They passed their fourth surveillance audit in October 2023 and are undergoing a reassessment in 2024.

To view Lloyd's Register's Surveillance Report October 2023 - click here.

Deepwater Council makes all non-confidential information provided to the Conformance Assessment Body publicly available on this webpage to ensure all documents are easily accessible by all participants.

A summary of the key information from these references can be found in the Situation Report. [click here]

MSC sets the highest independent science-based international seafood sustainability standards, covering three broad principles:


"A fishery must be conducted in a manner that does not lead to over-fishing or depletion of the exploited populations and, for those populations that are depleted, the fishery must be conducted in a manner that demonstrably leads to their recovery."

This principle intends to ensure that the productive capacities of the resources are maintained at high levels and are not sacrificed in favour of short-term interests.

Key P1 References

Doonan, I.J. (2017). Evaluation of a simple harvest control rule for the Bounty southern blue whiting management area (SBW6B). New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2017/52. 14 p. [click here]

Doonan, I.J. (2020). Southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis) stock assessment for the Campbell Island Rise for data up to 2018–19. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2020/43. 20 p. [click here]

Doonan, I.J. (2023). Updated harvest control rule for SBW 6B to allow for years with no acoustic surveys. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2023/38. 5 p. [click here]

Doonan, I.J. (2023a). Bounty Plateau SBW harvest control rule (HCR): 2024 fishing season. Fisheries Assessment Presentation to Deepwater Fisheries Working Group on 15 December 2023. [click here]

Doonan, I.J., McGregor, V.L. & Holmes, S.J. (in press). Southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis) stock assessment for the Campbell Island Rise for data up to the 2022-23 fishing year. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report. [click here]

Escobar-Flores, P.C., Ladroit, Y. & Holmes, S. (2023). Acoustic estimates of southern blue whiting from the Campbell Island Rise, August-September 2022 (TAN2210). [click here]

FNZ (2023) Fisheries Assessment Plenary May 2023. Stock Assessments and Stock Status Vol. 3: Red Gurnard to Yellow-eyed Mullet. Southern blue whiting pp.1641-1670. [click here]

FNZ (2024). Fisheries Assessment Plenary May 2024: Stock Assessments and Stock Status, Volume 3: Red gurnard to Yellow-eyed mullet (Southern blue whiting pp.1677-1708). [click here]

FNZ (2024). Review of sustainability measures for the April 2024 round. 205 p. [click here]  

FNZ (2024a). Minister’s Decision Letter, Sustainability Measures 1 April 2024.  [click here]

Holmes, S. J., Bian, R. & Doonan, I.J. (2023). Review and summary of the time series of input data available for the assessment of southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis) stocks up to and including the 2022 season. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2023/63. 75 p.  [click here]    

Wieczorek, A. M., Escobar-Flores, P. C., Datta, S. & O’Driscoll R. L. (2023). Analysis of Bounty Plateau southern blue whiting (SBW 6B) acoustic survey. Fisheries Assessment Presentation SBW2021-02 to Deepwater Fisheries Working Group on 15 December 2023.


"Fishing operations should allow for the maintenance of the structure, productivity, function and diversity of the ecosystem (including habitat and associated dependent and ecologically related species) on which the fishery depends."

This principle intends to encourage the management of fisheries from an ecosystem perspective under a system designed to restrain the impacts of the fishery on the ecosystem. 

Key P2 References

Abraham, E.R., Neubauer, P., Berkenbusch, K. & Richard, Y. (2017). Assessment of the risk to New Zealand marine mammals from commercial fisheries. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report 189. [click here]

Anderson, O.F. (2014). Fish and invertebrate bycatch in New Zealand deepwater fisheries from 1990-91 until 2011-12. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 139. 60 p. [click here]

Anderson, O.F. (2017). Fish and invertebrate bycatch in New Zealand deepwater fisheries from 1990-91 until 2013-14. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 181. 75 p. [click here]

Anderson, O. Tracey, D., Bostock, H., Williams, M. and Clark, M. (2014). Refined habitat suitability modelling for protected coral species in the New Zealand EEZ. NIWA Client Report prepared for Department of Conservation, WLG2014-69. 46 p. [click here]

Anderson, O., Mikaloff Fletcher, S. and Bostock, H. (2015). Development of models for predicting future distributions of protected coral species in the New Zealand Region. NIWA Client Report prepared for Department of Conservation. WLG2015-65. 28 p. [click here]

Anderson, O., Tracey, D. and Rowden, A. (2019). Habitat suitability modelling for Protected Corals in New Zealand Waters. Final methodology report, prepared for Conservation Services Programme, Dept. Conservation, April 2019. 20 p. [click here

Baker, B. & Hamilton (2010). Assessment of the impact of incidental fisheries mortality on the Campbell Island New Zealand sea lion Phocarctos hookeri population using the Potential Biological Removal technique. [click here]

Baker, C.S.; Chilvers, B.L.; Childerhouse, S.; Constantine, R.; Currey, R.; Mattlin, R.; van Helden, A.; Hitchmough, R.; Rolfe, J. (2016) Conservation status of New Zealand marine mammals, 2013. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 14. Department of Conservation, Wellington. 18 p. [click here

Baker, C.S., Boren, L., Childerhouse, S., Constantine, R., van Helden, A., Lundquist, D., Rayment W. & Rolfe,J.R. (2019). Conservation status of New Zealand marine mammals, 2019. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 29. 18 p. [click here]

Ballara, S.L. (2015). Fish and invertebrate bycatch in New Zealand fisheries from 1990–91 until 2012–13. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 158. [click here]

Bell, E.A. (2002). Grey petrels (Procellaria cinerea) on Antipodes Island, New Zealand: research feasibility, April to June 2001. DOC Science Internal Series 60. 31 p. [click here]  

Berkenbusch, K., Abraham, E.R. & Torres, L. (2013). New Zealand marine mammals and commercial fisheries. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 119. [click here]

Bowden, D., Anderson, O.F., Escobar-Flores, P., Rowden, A.A. and Clark, M.R. (2019). Quantifying benthic biodiversity: using seafloor image data to build single-taxon and community distribution models for Chatham Rise, New Zealand.   New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 221. 64 p.  [click here

Bowden, D., Rowden, A., Anderson, O., Clark, M., Hart, A., Davey, N., Carter, M. and Chin, C. (2019a).  Quantifying benthic biodiversity: developing a dataset of benthic invertebrate faunal distributions from seabed photographic surveys of Chatham Rise.    New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 221. 35 p. [click here]

Cherel, Y., Waugh, S. & Hanchet, S. (1999). Albatross predation of juvenile southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis) on the Campbell Plateau. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research Vol. 33: 437–441. [click here]

Cleal, J. (2019). Deepwater Group Environmental Liaison Officer (ELO) Report 2018-19. 10 p. [click here]

Cleal, J. (2020). Deepwater Group Environmental Liaison Officer (ELO) Report for the 2019-20 Fishing Year. 7 p. [click here]

Cleal, J. (2021). Deepwater Group Environmental Liaison Officer (ELO) Report for the 2020-21 Fishing Year. 7 p. [click here]

Cleal, J. (2022). Deepwater Group Environmental Liaison Officer (ELO) Report for the 2021-22 Fishing Year. 9 p [click here]

Cleal, J. (2023). Deepwater Group Environmental Liaison Officer (ELO) Report for the 2022-23 Fishing Year. [click here]

Cummings, V., Lundquist, C., Dunn, M., Francis, M., Horn, P., Law, C., . . . Mielbrecht, E. (2021b). Assessment of potential effects of climate-related changes in coastal and offshore waters on New Zealand’s seafood sector. Wellington: Fisheries New Zealand. Retrieved from [click here]

DOC & MPI (2017). New Zealand sea lion/rāpoka Threat Management Plan 2017 – 2022. 17 p. [click here]

DOC (2022). Aotearoa New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy, Implementation Plan. 52 p. [click here]  

DOC (2023). Conservation Services Programme Annual Plan 2023/24. [click here]

DOC (2024). Conservation Services Programme DRAFT Annual Plan 2024/25. [click here]

Dragonfly (2019). Protected species bycatch 2002-03 to 2017-18. [click here]

DWG (2022). Operational Procedures. [click here]

DWC (2024). Sharks Fins Naturally Attached Operational Procedures. 3 p. [click here]

Edwards, C. T. T. & Dunn, A. (2021). Assessment of risk factors for seabird net captures in selected sub-Antarctic trawl fisheries. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 266. p. 51. Ministry for Primary Industries, Wellington. [click here]

Edwards, C.T.T.; Peatman, T.; Goad D.; Webber, D.N. (2023). Update to the risk assessment for New Zealand seabirds. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 314. 66 p. [click here

Edwards, C.T.T. & Mormede, S. (2023). Temporal and spatial distribution of non-target catch and non-target catch species in deepwater fisheries. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 303. 81 p. [click here]

Edwards, C.T.T. & Mormede, S. (2023a). Temporal and spatial distribution of non-target catch and non-target catch species in deepwater fisheries: supplementary information. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 304. 264 p. [click here]

Finucci, B., Stephenson, F., Petersen, G., Francis, M. and Pinkerton, M. (2020). Exploring the drivers of spatial distributions of basking sharks in New Zealand waters. POP2020-03 final report for the Conservation Services Programme, Department of Conservation. Prepared by the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), 50 p. [click here]  

Finucci, B., Edwards, C.T.T., Anderson, O.F. & Ballara, S.L. (2019). Fish and invertebrate bycatch in New Zealand deepwater fisheries from 1990-91 until 2016-17. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 210. 77 p. [click here]

FNZ (2019). Operational Plan to manage the incidental capture of New Zealand sea lions in the southern squid trawl fishery (SQU6T). V 1.0. 9 p. [click here]

FNZ (2019a). Protected Fish Species Reporting Requirements for Non-Fish/Protected Species. Fisheries Management Fact Sheet 5. 3 p. [click here]

FNZ (2019b). National Fisheries Plan for Deepwater and Middle-depth Fisheries 2019. Fisheries New Zealand Technical Paper No: 2019/03. 34 p. [click here]

FNZ (2020). National Plan of Action – Seabirds 2020. Supporting Document. 49 p. [click here]

FNZ (2020a). National Plan of Action – Seabirds 2020. Seabird Annual Report 2018/19. Fisheries New Zealand Information Paper No: 2020/08. 67 p.  [click here]

FNZ (2020b). National Plan of Action – Seabirds 2020. Implementation Plan v2. 14 p. [click here]

FNZ (2020c). Spatially Explicit Fisheries Risk Assessment (SEFRA) - Technical Summary. Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Annual Review, Chapter 3. [click here]

FNZ (2021). Protected species bycatch 2002-03 to 2020-21. [click here]

FNZ (2022) National Plan of Action - Seabirds 2020 Seabird Annual Report 2020/21. Fisheries New Zealand Information Paper No: 2022/02 [click here]

FNZ (2022a). Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Annual Review 2021. Compiled by the Aquatic Environment Team, Fisheries Science and Information, Fisheries New Zealand, Wellington New Zealand. 779 p. [click here]

FNZ (2022b). Benthic (seabed) impacts – Technical Summary. Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Annual Review, Chapter 11. [click here]

FNZ (2022c). Annual Operational Plan for Deepwater Fisheries 2022/23. Fisheries New Zealand Technical Paper No: 2022/01. [click here]

FNZ (2022d). Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Annual Review 2021. Compiled by the Aquatic Environment Team, Fisheries Science and Information, Fisheries New Zealand, Wellington New Zealand. 779 p. [click here]

FNZ (2023). National Plan of Action – Seabirds 2020. Seabird Annual Report 2021/22. Fisheries New Zealand Information Paper No: 2023/04. 104 p. [click here]   

FNZ (2023a). Deepwater Annual Review Report 2021/22. Fisheries New Zealand Technical Paper No: 2023/01. [click here]

FNZ (2023b). 2023 Operational plan to manage the incidental capture of New Zealand Sea Lions in the Campbell Plateau Southern Blue Whiting Fishery (SBW 6I) [click here]

Francis, M. (2017). Review of commercial fishery interactions and population information for New Zealand basking shark. Prepared for Department of Conservation. 44 p. [click here]

Georgian, S.E., Anderson, O.F. and Rowden, A.A. (2019). Ensemble habitat suitability modelling of vulnerable marine ecosystem indicator taxa to inform deep-sea fisheries management in the South Pacific Ocean. Fisheries Research 211 (2019): 256-274.  [click here

Helson, J., Leslie, S., Clement, G., Wells, R. and Wood, R. (2010). Private rights, public benefits: Industry-driven seabed protection. Marine Policy 34, 557–566. [click here]

Hiddink, J. G., Jennings, S. J., Sciberras, M., Szostek, C. L., Hughes, K. M., Ellis, N., Rijnsdorp, A. D., McConnaughey, R. A., Mazor, T., Hilborn, R., Collie, J. S., Pitcher, C. R., Amoroso, R. O., Parma, A. M., Suuronen, P. & Kaiser, M. J. (2017). Global analysis of depletion and recovery of seabed biota after bottom trawling disturbance. PNAS, 114(21), 8301-8306.[click here]

Kaiser, M., Clarke, K., Hinz, H., Austen, M., Somerfield, P., & Karakassis, I. (2006). Global analysis of response and recovery of benthic biota to fishing. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 311, 1– 14. [click here]

Leathwick, J.R.; Rowden, A.; Nodder, S.; Gorman, R.; Bardsley, S.; Pinkerton, M.; Baird, S.L.; Hadfield, M.; Currie, K.; Goh, A. (2012). A benthic-optimised marine environment classification (BOMEC) for New Zealand waters. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 88. 54p. [click here]

MacGibbon, D.J.; Mules, R. (2023). Extent and intensity of bottom contact by commercial trawling and shellfish dredging in New Zealand waters, 1990-2021. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 316. 174 p. [click here]

Middleton, D.A.J., and Guard, D. (2021) Summary and evaluation of the electronic monitoring programmes in the SNA 1 trawl and bottom longline fisheries. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2021/37. ISSN 1179-5352 (online) [click here]

Moore, B.R. & Finucci, B. (2024). Estimation of release survival of pelagic sharks and fish in New Zealand commercial fisheries. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2024/07. 129 p. [click here]

MPI (2016b). Performance of the 2016 southern blue whiting fishery and compliance with the SBW6I Operational Plan. MPI: Wellington [click here]

MPI (2019) Protecting New Zealand's Seabed from the impacts of bottom trawling.  [click here]

Parker, G.C., Rexer-Huber, K. & Thompson, D.R. (2017). Grey petrel population on Campbell Island 14 years after rodent eradication. Antarctic Science 29 (3): 209 – 216. [click here]

Pinkerton, M H (2010) Headline indicators for the New Zealand ocean. NIWA report. 42 p. Retrieved from NIWA [click here]

Pitcher, C. R., Hiddink, J.G., Jennings, S., Collie, J., Parma, A. M., Amoroso, R., Mazor, T., Sciberras, M., McConnaughey, R.A., Rijnsdorp, A.D., Kaiser, M.J., Suuronen, P. & Hilborn, R. (2022). Trawl impacts on the relative status of biotic communities of seabed sedimentary habitats in 24 regions worldwide. PNAS, 119(2). [click here]

Rexer-Huber, K. & Parker, G. (2021). Antipodes Island grey petrels: assess and develop population estimate methodology. Final report to the Conservation Services Programme, Department of Conservation. Dunedin, Parker Conservation. 34 p.  [click here

Richard, Y. & Abraham, E.R. (2015). Assessment of the risk of commercial fisheries to New Zealand seabirds, 2006–07 to 2012–13. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report 162. 85 p. [click here]

Richard, Y. & Abraham, E.R. (2015a). Assessment of the risk of commercial fisheries to New Zealand seabirds, 2006–07 to 2012–13: Supplementary information. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report 162.  [click here]

Richard, Y., Abraham, E. & Berkenbusch, K. (2017). Assessment of the risk of commercial fisheries to New Zealand seabirds, 2006–07 to 2014–15. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report 191. 104 p. [click here]

Richard, Y., Abraham, E. R., & Berkenbusch, K. (2020). Assessment of the risk of commercial fisheries to New Zealand seabirds, 2006–07 to 2016–17. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 237. 57 p. [click here]

Robertson, H. A., Dowding, J. E., Elliott, G. P., Hitchmough, R. A., Miskelly, C. M., O’Donnell, C. F. J., Powlesland, R. G., Sagar, P. M., Scofield, R. P. & Taylor, G. A. (2013). Conservation status of New Zealand birds, 2012. NZ Threat Classification Series 4. Department of Conservation. Wellington. [click here]

Robertson, H.A.; Baird, K.; Dowding, J.E; Elliott, G.P; Hitchmough, R.A; Miskelly, C.M; McArthur, N.; O’Donnell, C.F.J.; Sagar, P.M.; Scofield, P. & Taylor G.A. (2017). Conservation status of New Zealand birds, 2016. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 19. Department of Conservation, Wellington. 23 p. [click here]

Robertson, H.A.; Baird, K.A.; Elliott, G.P.; Hitchmough, R.A.; McArthur, N.J.; Makan, T.D.; Miskelly, C.M.; O’Donnell, C.F.J.; Sagar, P.M.; Scofield, R.P.; Taylor, G.A.; Michel, P. (2021). Conservation status of birds in Aotearoa New Zealand, 2021. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 36. Department of Conservation, Wellington. 43 p. [click here]

Sharp, B. R., Waugh, S. M. & Walker, N. A. (2011). A risk assessment framework for incidental seabird mortality associated with New Zealand fishing in the New Zealand EEZ. (Unpublished report held by the Ministry for Primary Industries, Wellington.)

Sharp (2019). [click here]

Steele-Mortimer, B. & Wells, R. (2023). Net Capture Programme: Investigating new tools to mitigate seabird net captures in demersal and pelagic trawl fisheries. Eleventh Meeting of the Seabird Bycatch Working Group, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 15 – 17 May 2023. SBWG11 Doc 17 Rev 1. 40 p. [click here]

Stevens, D. W., O’Driscoll, R. L., Dunn, M. R., MacGibbon, D., Horn, P. L. & Gauthier, S. (2011). Trawl survey of hoki and middle depth species on the Chatham Rise, January 2010 (TAN1001). New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2011/10. 112 p. [click here]

Robertson, H.A. & McIntyre, S.J. (2020). New Zealand non-detriment finding for shortfin mako shark Isurus oxyrinchus. 18 p. [click here]

Tremblay-Boyer, L. & Berkenbusch, K. (2022). Characterisation of marine mammal interactions with fisheries & bycatch mitigation. Final report for INT2019- 03 prepared by Dragonfly Data Science for the Conservation Services Programme, Department of Conservation. 67 p. [click here]

Tuck, I., Cole, R., & Devine, J. (2009). Ecosystem indicators for New Zealand fisheries. Wellington: Ministry of Fisheries. [click here]

Young, M. & Manno, K. (2022). Auckland Islands 2021/22 New Zealand Sea Lion /pakake/whakahao field research report. Conservation Services Programme pup count. Prepared for the Department of Conservation (DOC). 34 p. [click here]


"The fishery is subject to an effective management system that respects local, national and international laws and standards and incorporates institutional and operational frameworks that require the use of the resource to be responsible and sustainable."

This principle intends to ensure that there is an institutional and operational framework for implementing Principles 1 and 2, appropriate to the size and scale of the fishery. 

Key P3 References

DWG (2023). Operational Procedures. [click here]

FNZ (2019) Review of the National Plan of Action - Seabirds (2013). ISBN No: 978-1-99-001705-6 (online) [click here]

FNZ (2021) Medium Term Research Plan for Deepwater Fisheries 2021/22 – 2025/26 Fisheries New Zealand Information Paper No: 2021/16 ISBN No: 978-1-99-100999-9 (online). [click here]

FNZ (2020a) National Plan of Action – Seabirds 2020 Reducing the incidental mortality of seabirds in fisheries. ISBN No: 978-1-99-001762-9 (online) [click here]

FNZ (2020a) National Plan of Action – Seabirds 2020 Supporting document ISBN No: 978-1-98-859485-9 (online) [click here]  

FNZ (2022a) National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks 2022 Draft for Consultation [click here]  

FNZ (2022b) Review of NPOA Sharks 2013: Progress against Objectives and Actions [click here]

FNZ (2022c) Annual Operational Plan for Deepwater Fisheries 2022/23. Fisheries New Zealand Technical Paper No: 2022/01. ISBN No: 978-1-99-102697-2 (online) [click here]  

FNZ (2022d) Annual Review Report for Deepwater Fisheries 2020/21 Fisheries New Zealand Technical Paper No: 2022/02. ISBN No: 978-1-99-103941-5 (online) [click here]  

Ministry of Fisheries (2009). Fisheries 2030: New Zealanders maximising the benefits from the use of fisheries within environmental limits. [click here]

MPI (2011). Southern Blue Whiting: National Deepwater Fisheries Plan Chapter. 50 p. [click here