Orange roughy MSC reassessment 2021
MSC sets the highest independent science-based international seafood sustainability standards, ensuring sustainable fish stocks, minimal impacts on the environment & effective fisheries management.
Principle 1 - Sustainable fish stocks
Cordue P.L., (2014). A Management Strategy Evaluation for orange roughy. ISL client report prepared for Deepwater Group Ltd. 42p. [click here]
Cordue P.L., (2018). A brief update of ORH 3B ESCR & NWCR stock assessments to the end of the 2016–17 and 2017–18 fishing years with application of the Harvest Control Rule in both years. ISL client report prepared for Deepwater Group Ltd. [click here]
Cordue (2019). Review of the Harvest Control Rule for orange roughy fisheries in New Zealand. ISL client report for Deepwater Group Ltd, August 2019. 28p. [click here]
Cordue. P.L. (2019a). A 2019 stock assessment of ORH 7A including Westpac Bank. FAR 2019-33, September 2019. 45p. [click here]
Cordue (2021). A 2020 stock assessment update of ORH 3B east and south Chatham Rise. ISL Client Report prepared for Deepwater Group Ltd, May 2021. 34p. [click here]
Doonan, I.J., Horn, P.L., Ó Maolagáin, C. and Datta, S. (2018). Age composition of orange roughy from ORH 3B, Chatham Rise, 2016: Mount Muck, Old Plume, Rekohu Plume, and Morgue. FAR 2018-48, November 2018. 15p. [click here]
Dunn, M.R., Devine, J.A. (2010). A holistic approach to determining stock structure of orange roughy on the Chatham Rise. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2010/17. 66p [click here]
Dunn, M.R., Doonan, I.J. (2018). Assessment of the Chatham Rise orange roughy stocks for 2017. FAR 2018-59, December 2018. 60p. [click here]
Dunn, M.R., Forman, J.S. (2011). Hypotheses of spatial stock structure in orange roughy Hoplostethus atlanticus inferred from diet, feeding, condition, and reproductive activity. PLoS ONE, 6(11): e26704. [click here]
DWG (2014). Orange Roughy Harvest Strategy with Appendix 14082014 [click here]
DWG (2021) Orange Roughy Harvest Strategy and Harvest Control Rule. [click here]
FNZ (2018). Review of Sustainability Measures for the October 2018/19 Fishing Year. August 2018. Orange Roughy, pp. 79-98. [click here]
FNZ (2019). Review of Sustainability Measures for Orange Roughy (ORH 3B) for 2019/20. Fisheries New Zealand Discussion Paper No: 2019/09. 11p. [click here]
FNZ (2019a). Review of Sustainability Measures for Orange Roughy (ORH 7A) for 2019/20. Fisheries New Zealand Discussion Paper No: 2019/08. 11p. [click here]
FNZ (2020). Medium Term Research Plan for Deepwater Fisheries 2020/21 to 2024/25. Fisheries New Zealand Information Paper No: 2020/01. 21p. [click here]
FNZ (2020a). Review of Sustainability Measures for selected stocks for 1 October 2020. Fisheries New Zealand Decision Paper. July 2020. 283p. [click here]
FNZ (2020b). September 2020 Sustainability Round: Submissions Received 1. [click here]
FNZ (2020c). September 2020 Sustainability Round: Submissions Received 2. [click here]
FNZ (2020d). September 2020 Sustainability Round: Submissions Received 3. [click here]
FNZ (2021). Fisheries Assessment Plenary, May 2021: Stock assessments and Stock Status. Volume 2: Hoki to Redbait. Compiled by the Fisheries Science Team, Fisheries New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand. Orange Roughy, pp. 821-932. [click here]
FNZ (2021). Proposed Fisheries Research Services for 2020/21 v3. [click here]
FNZ (2021a). Terms of Reference for Fisheries Assessment Working Groups (FAWGs) in 2021 [click here]
MFish (2008). Bottom Fishery Impact Assessment. Bottom Fishing Activities by New Zealand Vessels Fishing in the High Seas in the SPRFMO Area during 2008 and 2009. [click here]
Minister of Fisheries (2020). Changes to sustainability measures and other management controls for 1 October 2020. 18p. [click here]
MPI (2008). Harvest Strategy Standard for New Zealand Fisheries. Ministry for Primary Industries. 25 p. [click here]
MPI (2011). Operational Guidelines for New Zealand’s Harvest Strategy Standard. Revision 1. June 2011. Ministry of Fisheries. 80pp. [click here]
MPI (2013). Review of Management Controls for Orange Roughy 3B (ORH 3B). MPI Discussion Paper No: 2013/27. 15p. [click here]
MPI (2014). Review of Management Controls for Orange Roughy on the Southwest Challenger Plateau (ORH 7A) [click here]
MPI (2016). Fisheries Assessment Plenary, May 2016: stock assessments and stock status. Volume 2. Compiled by the Fisheries Science Group, Ministry for Primary Industries, Wellington, New Zealand. 1556 p. [3 attachments]
Reeve, V. (2014). Letter from Vicky Reeve to MRAG Americas recognising the agreed harvest control rule. [click here]
Ryan T.E., Tilney R.L., (2017). Biomass surveys of orange roughy spawning aggregations in ORH3B NWCR and ESCR management sub-areas in June-July 2016 using a net attached acoustic optical system. Final report to Deepwater Group Ltd. 67p. [click here]
Ryan T.E., Tilney R.L., (2021). Acoustic Biomass Surveys of Orange Roughy in ORH 3B North Chatham Rise - Survey Program. Presentation to Deep Water Working Group 25 May 2021. 15p. [click here]
Ryan T.E., Tilney R.L., (2021a). Voyage Programme - Acoustic Biomass Surveys of Orange Roughy and benthic biodiversity camera trials in ORH 3B North Chatham Rise. Report prepared for Deepwater Group and Fisheries New Zealand. 20p. [click here]
Ryan T.E., Tilney R.L., Cordue P.L., Downie R. (2019) South-west Challenger Plateau Trawl and Acoustic Biomass Survey June/July 2018. Draft FAR, August 2019. 66p. [click here]
Principle 2 - Minimal impacts on the environment
Anderson, O., Stephenson, F. and Behrens, E. (2020). Updated habitat suitability modelling for protected corals in New Zealand waters. Report prepared for Department of Conservation. NIWA Client Report No. 2020174WN. 106p. [click here]
Anderson, O. Tracey, D., Bostock, H., Williams, M. and Clark, M. (2014). Refined habitat suitability modelling for protected coral species in the New Zealand EEZ. NIWA Client Report prepared for Department of Conservation. WLG2014-69. 46p. [click here]
Anderson, O., Mikaloff Fletcher, S. and Bostock, H. (2015). Development of models for predicting future distributions of protected coral species in the New Zealand Region. NIWA Client Report prepared for Department of Conservation. WLG2015-65. 28p. [click here]
Anderson, O., Tracey, D. and Rowden, A. (2019). Habitat suitability modelling for Protected Corals in New Zealand Waters. Final methodology report, prepared for Conservation Services Programme, Dept. Conservation, April 2019. 20p. [click here]
Anderson, T.J., Morrison, M., MacDiarmid, A., Clark, M., D’Archino, R., Nelson, W. Tracey, D., Gordon, D. Read, G., Kettles, H., Morrisey, D. Wood, A., Anderson, O., Smith, A.M., Page, M., Paul-Burke, K., Schnabel, K. and Wadhwa, S. (2019). Review of New Zealand’s Key Biogenic Habitats. NIWA Client Report No. 2018139WN, prepared for the Ministry for the Environment, January, 2019. 190p. [click here]
Auster, P. J., Gjerde, K., Heupel, E., Watling, L., Grehan, A., and Rogers, A. D. (2011). Definition and detection of vulnerable marine ecosystems on the high seas: problems with the “move-on” rule. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 68: 254–264. [click here]
Baird, S.J. and Mules, R. (2021). Extent of bottom contact by commercial trawling and dredging in New Zealand waters, 1989–90 to 2018–19. Draft New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 259 143p. [clik here]
Baird, S.J. and Mules, R. (2021a). Extent of bottom contact by commercial trawling and dredging in New Zealand waters, 1989–90 to 2018–19. Draft New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 260. 157p. [click here]
Baird, S.J.; Wood, B.A.; Bagley, N.W. (2011). Nature and extent of commercial fishing effort on or near the seafloor within the New Zealand 200 n. mile Exclusive Economic Zone, 1989–90 to 2004– 05. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 73. 143 p. [click here]
Baker, C.S., Boren, L., Childerhouse, S., Constantine, R., van Helden, A., Lundquist, D., Rayment W., Rolfe,J.R. (2019). Conservation status of New Zealand marine mammals, 2019. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 29. 18p. [click here]
Black, J. and Tilney, R. (2017). Monitoring New Zealand’s trawl footprint for deepwater fisheries: 1989-90 to 2012-13. New Zealand Aquatic Environment Biodiversity Report No. 176. [click here]
Black J. (2018). GIS Mapping of Coral Capture in ORH3B NWCR and ESCR Fisheries. Lower Hutt (NZ): GNS Science. 40p. (GNS Science consultancy report; 2018/150). [click here]
Black, J., Easterbrook-Clark, L. (2022). New Zealand Orange Roughy Trawl Footprint and Coral Interaction Analysis 2005/06 to 2019/20. Lower Hutt (NZ): GNS Science Consultancy Report 2021/120. [click here]
Black J. (2022). New Zealand Orange Roughy Trawl Fishery Coral Interaction Analysis 2017/18 to 2019/20. Lower Hutt (NZ): 26 p. GNS Science Consultancy Report 2021/133. [click here]
Bors, E.K., Rowden, A.A., Maas, E.W., Clark, M.R. and Shank, T.M. (2012). Patterns of Deep-Sea Genetic Connectivity in the New Zealand Region: Implications for Management of Benthic Ecosystems. PLoS ONE, 7(11), e49474. 16p [click here].
Bowden, D.A.; Anderson, O.A.; Escobar-Flores, P.; Rowden, A.A.; Clark, M.R. (2019). Quantifying benthic biodiversity: using seafloor image data to build single-taxon and community distribution models for Chatham Rise, New Zealand. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 235. 65:1p. [click here]
Bowden, D., Rowden, A., Anderson, O., Clark, M., Hart, A., Davey, N., Carter, M. and Chin, C. (2019a). Quantifying benthic biodiversity: developing a dataset of benthic invertebrate faunal distributions from seabed photographic surveys of Chatham Rise. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 221. 35p. [click here]
Bullimore et al. (2013) Coral-characterized benthic assemblages of the deep Northeast Atlantic: defining “Coral Gardens” to support future habitat mapping efforts. ICES Journal of Marine Science, Volume 70, Issue 3, April 2013, Pages 511–522. [click here] [supplementary data]
Cairns, S.D. (1991). The Marine Fauna of New Zealand: Stylasteridae (Cnidaria: Hydroida). Memoir N.Z. Oceanographic. Institute. 98: 1-99. [click here]
Cairns, S. (1995). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Scleractinia (Cnidaria: Anthozoa). Memoir N.Z. Oceanographic Institute, 103: 1–210. https://repository.si.edu/handle/10088/8157 [click here]
Clark, M. (2021). Update on Seamount Database for Deepwater Group Ltd. NIWA Client Report No: 2021034. 6p. [click here]
Clark, M.R., Schlacher, T.A., Rowden, A.A., Stocks, K.I. and Consalvey, M. (2012). Science Priorities for Seamounts: Research Links to Conservation and Management. Plos ONE, 7(1): e29232. Doi: 10.1371. 12p. [click here]
Clark, M.R., Anderson, O. (2013). Information on the structure and function of “UTF” habitats. Revised presentation material for Deepwater Group Ltd. Orange Roughy MSC pre-assessment meeting 23 August 2013 Presentation to Deepwater Group. Referenced in Clark and Anderson (2015). [click here]
Clark, M., Althaus, F., Schlacher, T.A., Williams, A., Bowden, D.A. and Rowden, A.A. (2015). The impacts of deep-sea fisheries on benthic communities: a review. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 73(1): i51-i69. [click here]
Clark, M.R., Anderson, O., Dunkin, M., Mackay, K., Notman, P., Roux, M-J and Tracey, D. (2015). Assessment of orange roughy and oreo trawl footprint in relation to protected coral species distribution. A report prepared by NIWA for Deepwater Group Ltd. 57p. [click here]
Clark M.R., Bowden D.A., Rowden A.A., and Stewart, R. (2019). Little Evidence of Benthic Community Resilience to Bottom Trawling on Seamounts After 15 Years. Frontiers in Marine Science 6:63. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00063. 16p. [click here]
Clark M.R., Mills S., Leduc D., Anderson O.F., Rowden, A.A. (2019). Biodiversity of Benthic Protection Areas and Seamount Closure Areas: a description of available benthic invertebrate data, and a preliminary evaluation of the effectiveness of BPAs for biodiversity protection. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 227. 270p. [click here]
Clark, M.R., Bowden, D.A., Stewart, R., Schnabel, K., Quinn, W., Lennard, B., Goode, S.L. and Davis, A. (In press). Seamount Recovery: factual voyage report of a survey of seamounts on the Northwest and Southeast Chatham Rise (TAN2009: August 2020). New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report. [click here]
Cleal, J. (2019). Deepwater Group Environmental Liaison Officer (ELO) Report 2018/19. 10p. [click here]
Cleal, J. (2020). Deepwater Group Environmental Liaison Officer (ELO) Report for the 2019-20 Fishing Year. 7p. [click here]
Consalvey M., MacKay K and Tracey D. (2006). Information review for protected deep-sea coral species in the New Zealand region. NIWA Client Report: WLG2006-85, prepared for Department of Conservation, 53p. [click here]
Cordue, P.L. (2019). A 2018 stock assessment of smooth oreo in OEO 4. FAR 2019-28, August 2019. [click here]
DOC (2014). Coral Identification Guide. 2nd version, June 2014. 16p. [click here]
DOC (2020). Conservation Services Programme Annual Plan 2020/21. DOC: Wellington. 61p. [click here]
DOC (2020a). Conservation Services Programme Draft Medium-Term Coral Research Plan. Department of Conservation, Wellington. 15p. [click here]
DOC (2021). Conservation Services Programme Annual Plan 2021/22. DOC: Wellington. 68p. [click here]
DWG (2020). Orange Roughy Trawl – Progress against Conditions 2 & 3. Report prepared for the Third MSC Surveillance Audit, February 2020. 23p. [click here]
DWG (2020a). Orange Roughy Trawl - Situation Report. Report prepared for the Third MSC Surveillance Audit, February 2020. 41p. [click here]
DWG (2021) Submission to the Environment Select Committee on Seamounts and Bottom Trawling. Deepwater Group Report. 30 August 2021. 75p [click here]
DWG (2021a). Operational Procedures. [click here]
DWG (2021b). Benthic Operational Procedures. Version 1.2. 15p. [click here]
DWG (2021c). Mitigation of our bottom trawling impacts on corals and benthic habitats. 22 September 2021. [click here]
DWG (2021) MPSA Management Strategy for ORH Fisheries MSC Certification Requirements. DWG Briefing Document. [Click here]
Finucci, B., Anderson, O. and Tracey, D. (2019). Distribution of protected coral groups in New Zealand. NIWA report prepared for Deepwater Group Ltd, March 2019. [click here]
Finucci B., Edwards C.T.T, Anderson O.F., Ballara S.L. (2019). Fish and invertebrate bycatch in New Zealand deepwater fisheries from 1990–91 until 2016–17. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 210. 77p. [click here]
Fisheries Act (1996, No. 88). Schedule 6 Stocks which may be returned to the sea or other waters in accordance with stated requirements. [click here]
FNZ (2018). Qualitative (Level 1) risk assessment of the impact of commercial fishing on New Zealand chondrichthyans: an update for 2017. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 201. 86 + 17p. [click here]
FNZ (2019). Protected Fish Species Reporting Requirements for Non-Fish/Protected Species. Fisheries Management Fact Sheet 5. 3p. [click here]
FNZ (2019a). Operational plan to manage the incidental capture of New Zealand sea lions in the southern squid trawl fishery (SQU6T). [click here]
FNZ (2019b). Protecting New Zealand’s Seabed from the impacts of bottom trawling. [click here]
FNZ (2020). Annual Operational Plan for Deepwater Fisheries 2020/21. Fisheries New Zealand Technical Paper No: 2020/04. 47p. [click here]
FNZ (2020a). Annual Review Report for Deepwater Fisheries 2018/19. Fisheries New Zealand Discussion Paper No: 2020/01. 95 + 19p. [click here]
FNZ (2020b). Landing shark fins subject to a ratio. Fact Sheet 3. 1p. [click here]
FNZ (2020c). National Plan of Action – Seabirds 2020. Reducing the incidental mortality of seabirds in fisheries. 21p. [click here]
FNZ (2020d). National Plan of Action – Seabirds 2020. Supporting document. 49p. [click here]
FNZ (2020e) Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Annual Review 2019–20. Compiled by the Aquatic Environment Team, Fisheries Science and Information, Fisheries New Zealand, Wellington New Zealand. 765p. [click here]
Francis, M.P., Roberts, J. and MacGibbon, D.J. (2016). Indicator based analysis of the status of eight shark and chimaera species in New Zealand Waters. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2016/65. 87p. [click here]
Georgian S.E., Anderson O.F., Rowden A.A. (2019). Ensemble habitat suitability modelling of vulnerable marine ecosystem indicator taxa to inform deep-sea fisheries management in the South Pacific Ocean. Fisheries Research 211 (2019) 256-274 [click here]
Helson J., Leslie S., Clement G., Wells R., Wood R. (2010) Private rights, public benefits: Industry-driven seabed protection. Marine Policy 34 (2010) 557-566 [click here]
IHO-IOC (2019) B-6 Standardization of Undersea Feature Names (Edition 4.2.0 – October 2019) defines a Seamount at 2-12 [click here]
McClain, C.R., Lundsten, L., Ream, M., Barry, J. and DeVogelaera, A. (2009). Endemicity, Biogeography, Composition, and Community Structure on a Northeast Pacific Seamount. PLoS ONE 4(1): e4141. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0004141. [click here]
McConnaughey RA, Hiddink JG, Jennings S, et al. (2020) Choosing best practices for managing impacts of trawl fishing on seabed habitats and biota. Fish Fish. 2020 (21):319–337 [click here]
McKnight D.G., Probert P.K. (1997) Epibenthic communities on the Chatham Rise, New Zealand, New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 31:4, 505-513, DOI: 10.1080/00288330.1997.9516784 [click here]
MFish (2005). Introduction of New Stocks into the Quota Management System on 1 October 2007.Consultation Document. Seal shark (pp.45-56). [click here]
Moura, R.L. et al. (2016). An extensive reef system at the Amazon River mouth. Science Advances 2 (4): e1501252. 11p. [click here]
MPI (2013). National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks. 32p. [click here]
MPI (2021). Protected species bycatch in New Zealand fisheries - website. [click here]
New Zealand Geographic Board (2016) Standard for undersea feature names: NZGBS 60000 (1 August 2016) [click here]
Anderson, T.J., Morrison, M., MacDiarmid, A., Clark, M., D’Archino, R., Nelson, W. Tracey, D., Gordon, D. Read, G., Kettles, H., Morrisey, D. Wood, A., Anderson, O., Smith, A.M., Page, M., Paul-Burke, K., Schnabel, K. and Wadhwa, S. (2019). Review of New Zealand’s Key Biogenic Habitats. NIWA Client Report No. 2018139WN, prepared for the Ministry for the Environment, January, 2019. 190 p. [click here]
Nodder, S., Maas, E., Bowden, D. and Pilditch, C. (2011). Physical, biogeochemical, and microbial characteristics of sediment samples from the Chatham Rise and Challenger Plateau. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 70. 34p. [click here]
Patchell, G.J. (2019). Orange Roughy Fishery Benthic Habitat Mapping ORH 3B. Report prepared for Deepwater Group Ltd, January 2019. 28p. [click here]
Pinkerton M.H. (2011). A balanced trophic model of the Chatham Rise, New Zealand. NIWA, Wellington. 60p. [click here]
Pitcher, R., Williams, A. and Georgeson, L. (2019). Progress with investigating uncertainty in the habitat suitability model predictions and VME indicator taxa thresholds underpinning CMM 03-2019. South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation, 7th Meeting of the Scientific Committee, La Havana, Cuba 7-12 October 2019. [click here]
Richard, Y., Abraham, E.R. and Berkenbusch, K. (2017). Assessment of the risk of commercial fisheries to New Zealand seabirds, 2006-07 to 2014-15. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report 191. 104 p. [click here]
Roberts, C.D., Stewart, A.L. and Struthers, C.D. eds. (2015). The Fishes of New Zealand. Volume 3 pp. 577-1152. Te Papa Press, Wellington. [click here]
Roux, M-J., Anderson, O., Tracey, D., Mackay, K., Notman, P., Wadhwa, S. and Dunkin, M. (2014). Summary information of Underwater Topographic Feature (UTF) habitat for orange roughy and associated trawl fisheries for orange roughy and oreo species. Part I. (MSC PI 2.4.1). NIWA Client Report No: WLG2014-84 prepared for Deepwater Group. 14p. [click here]
Roux, M-J., Anderson, O., Tracey, D., Mackay, K., Notman, P., Wadhwa, S. and Dunkin, M. (2014a). Summary information of Underwater Topographic Feature (UTF) habitat for orange roughy and associated trawl fisheries for orange roughy and oreo species. Part II. (MSC PI 2.4.1). NIWA Client Report No: WLG2014-84 prepared for Deepwater Group. 50p. [click here]
Rowden, A.A., Clark, M.R. and Wright, I.C. (2005). Physical characterisation and a biologically focused classification of “seamounts” in the New Zealand region. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 39:5, 1039-1059. [click here]
Ryan T.E., Tilney R.L., (2017). Biomass surveys of orange roughy spawning aggregations in ORH3B NWCR and ESCR management sub-areas in June-July 2016 using a net attached acoustic optical system. Final Report to Deepwater Group Ltd, New Zealand. 67p. [click here]
Snelder, T.H., Leathwick, J.R., Image, K., Weatherhead, M.A. and Wild, M. (2004). The New Zealand Marine Environment Classification. NIWA Client Report CHC2004-071 prepared for Ministry for the Environment. 86 p. [click here]
Snelder, T.H.; Leathwick, J.R.; Dey, K.L.; Rowden, A.A.; Weatherhead, M.A.; Fenwick, G.D.; Francis, M.P.; Gorman, R.M.; Grieve, J.M.; Hadfield, M.G.; Hewitt, J.E.; Richardson, K.M.; Uddstrom, M.J.; Zeldis, J.R. (2007). Development of an ecologic marine classification in the New Zealand region. Environmental Management 39(1): 12–29. Somerfield, P.J.; Clarke, K.R.; Olsgard, F. (2002). A comparison. [click here]
Spear, B. , Cannon, J., (2012). Benthic Protection Areas: Best Practices and Recommendations. Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Report. 36p. [click here]
Stevens, D.W., O’Driscoll, R.L., Ballara, S.L. and Schimel, A.C.G. (2021). Trawl survey of hoki and middle depth species on the Chatham Rise, January 2020 (TAN2001). New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2021/33. 122p. [click here]
Tracey, D.M. & Hjorvarsdottir, F. (eds, comps) (2019). The State of Knowledge of Deep-Sea Corals in the New Zealand Region. NIWA Science and Technology Series Number 84. 140 p. [click here]
Tracey D.M., Goode S., Waller R., Marriott P., Beaumont J., Moss G., Cummings V., Mobilia V. (2021). Protected coral reproduction. Literature review, recommended study species, and description of spawning event for Goniocorella dumosa. NIWA Client Report No. 2021097WN, prepared for Department of Conservation. 65 p [click here]
Tuck, I.D., Hewitt, J.E., Handley, S.J. and Lundquist, C.J. (2017). Assessing the effects of fishing on soft-sediment habitat, fauna and process. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 178. 143p. [click here]
Weaver, S. (2020). Conservation Services Programme Final Annual Research Summary 2018-19. 92p. [click here]
Wildlife Act (1953). Schedule 7A Marine species declared to be animals. Cnidaria. [click here]
Williams, A., Dowdney, J., Smith, A.D.M., Hobday, A.J., Fuller, M. (2011). Evaluating impacts of fishing on benthic habitats: A risk assessment framework applied to Australian fisheries. Fisheries Research 112 (2011) 154-167. 14p. [click here]
Zeng, C., Rowden, A.A., Clark, M.R. and Gardner, J.P.A (2017). Population genetic structure and connectivity of deep-sea stony corals (Order Scleractinia) in the New Zealand region: Implications for the conservation and management of vulnerable marine ecosystems. Evolutionary Applications. 2017;10:1040–1054. [click here]
Principle 3 - Effective fisheries management
Aranda M., Christensen AS. (2009) The New Zealand’s Quota Management System (QMS) and its Complementary Mechanisms. In: Hauge K., Wilson D. (eds) Comparative Evaluations of Innovative Fisheries Management. Springer, Dordrecht (Abstract). [click here]
Cleal, J. (2019). Deepwater Group Environmental Liaison Officer (ELO) Report 2018/19. 10p. [click here]
Cleal, J. (2020). Deepwater Group Environmental Liaison Officer (ELO) Report for the 2019-20 Fishing Year. 7p. [click here]
DWG (2019). Environmental Risks and Operational Procedures. DW Operators Meeting – Nelson 5 March 2019. PowerPoint presentation prepared by Deepwater Group Ltd. [click here]
DWG (2021). Operational Procedures [click here]
FNZ (2019). National Fisheries Plan for Deepwater and Middle-depth Fisheries 2019. Fisheries New Zealand Technical Paper No: 2019/03. 34p. [click here]
FNZ (2019a). Protected Fish Species Reporting Requirements for Non-Fish/Protected Species. Fisheries Management Fact Sheet 5. 3p. [click here]
FNZ (2020). Annual Operational Plan for Deepwater Fisheries 2020/21. Fisheries New Zealand Technical Paper No: 2020/04. 47p. [click here]
FNZ (2020a). Annual Review Report for Deepwater Fisheries. Fisheries 2018/19. New Zealand Discussion Paper No: 2020/01. [click here]
FNZ (2020b). National Plan of Action – Seabirds 2020. Reducing the incidental mortality of seabirds in fisheries. 21p. [click here]
FNZ (2020c). Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Annual Review 2019-20. Compiled by the Aquatic Environment Team, Fisheries Science Information, Fisheries New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand. 765p. [click here]
FNZ (2020d). Medium Term Research Plan for Deepwater Fisheries 2020/21 – 2024/25. Fisheries New Zealand Information Paper No: 2020/01. 21p. [click here]
FNZ (2021). Proposed Fisheries Research Services for 2021/22. Fisheries New Zealand Discussion Paper No:2021/18. 208p. [click here]
FNZ (2021a). Annual Operational Plan for Deepwater Fisheries 2021/22. Fisheries New Zealand Technical Paper No: 2021/04. 43p. [click here]
Helson, J., Leslie, S., Clement, G., Wells, R. and Wood, R. (2010). Private rights, public benefits: Industry-driven seabed protection. Marine Policy 34, 557–566. [click here]
IQANZ (2018). Independent Quality Assurance Review Report on Deepwater Fisheries Management [click here]
MFish (2009). Fisheries 2030: New Zealanders maximising the benefits from the use of fisheries within environmental limits. Ministry of Fisheries, Wellington. [click here]
MFish (2011). Research and Science Information Standard for New Zealand Fisheries. Ministry of Fisheries, April 2011. 31p. [click here]
MPI (2008). Harvest Strategy Standard for New Zealand Fisheries. Ministry for Primary Industries. 25p. [click here]
MPI (2010). Orange roughy Fishery Chapter, February 2010. 48p. [click here]
MPI (2010a). Memorandum of Understanding: Continuing a partnership between the Ministry of Fisheries and the deepwater fishing industry for the management of New Zealand’s deepwater fisheries. 12p. [click here]
MPI (2013). National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks. 32p. [click here]
MPI (2019). National Fisheries Plan for Deepwater and Middle-depth Fisheries 2019. Fisheries New Zealand Technical Paper No: 2019/03. 37p. [click here]
MPI (2019a). Fisheries Compliance: DW Operators Meeting – Nelson 5th March 2019. PowerPoint presentation prepared by Ministry for Primary Industries. [click here]
MPI (2021) Fisheries Regulatory System. (21 September 2021). 8p. [click here]
MPI (2021) Fisheries research and science. Webpage. (Cited 02-12-2021) [click here]
MPI (2021) Fisheries research and science: Fisheries research processes. Webpage. (Cited 02-12-2021) [click here]
MPI (2021) Fishing and aquaculture / Te hao ika me te ahumoana. Webpage. (Cited 02-12-2021) [click here]
MPI (2021) Science / Pūtaiao. Webpage. (Cited 02-12-2021) [click here]
NIWA (2021) About NIWA. Webpage. (Cited 02-12-2021) [click here]
NIWA (2021) Science for a Resilient Future - NIWA Annual Report 20-21 (Reports and Financial Statements). 36p. [click here]
PMCSA (2020) Commercial fisheries in 2020. Office of the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor. Webpage. (Cited 02-12-2021) [click here]
Ryan T.E., Tilney R.L., (2021). Acoustic Biomass Surveys of Orange Roughy in ORH 3B North Chatham Rise - Survey Program. Presentation prepared for Deepwater Working Group Meeting. [click here]
SPRFMO (2020). 8th Scientific Committee Meeting Report. 76 p. Orange roughy stock assessments, pp.8-10. Wellington, New Zealand. [click here]
SPRFMO (2021). Conservation and Management Measure for the Management of Bottom Fishing in the SPRFMO Convention Area. 390p. [click here]
DWG undertakes to make all non-confidential information that is provided to the Conformance Assessment Body (i.e. MRAG) publicly available on this webpage to ensure all documents are easily accessible by all participants.
Want to know more?
August 2022:
Orange roughy fishery recertified as sustainable
November 2021:
DWG partners with CSIRO for orange roughy research
October 2021:
DWG announces independent reassessment of orange roughy fisheries for certification
February 2021:
New Zealand’s deepwater fishery ranked among the world’s best. (Seafood Magazine)