Category Archives: Release

Fewer barriers needed when it comes to commercial fishing innovation

SNZ’s Aaron Irving is urging FNZ to proceed with its proposal to reduce the barriers to fishing innovation designed to strengthen environmental performance. Mr Irving is commenting on the draft Fisheries Industry Transformation Plan, released on 27 April, and the proposed action to ‘Review regulatory settings and operations to identify and mitigate regulatory barriers to fishing innovation’ in particular (action 1.1.2).


BPAs and MPAs – Is There a Difference?

New Zealand’s Benthic Protection Areas (BPAs) are internationally-recognised as a type of Marine Protected Area (MPA).  The IUCN recognises seven categories of MPAs and BPAs meet Category VI.


Fisheries New Zealand sustainability round 2018

This year’s sustainability round, announced by Fisheries Minister Stuart Nash (September 2018), saw 11 catch limits increase and 12 decrease.
A decrease in catch has very real consequences for fishing families and should not be taken lightly, however we must be prepared to act when stocks need to be rebuilt...


Skipper of the month – Jake McFedries

Fishing has always been an integral part of Jake McFedries’ life.
With a father who spent a fair amount of time recreationally fishing, McFedries practically grew up on the water. Being surrounded by boats and anglers and with his own love for the sea, McFedries knew he wanted to make a career out of fishing...


Revolutionising ocean forecasting – the Moana Project

The Tasman Sea is warming at one of the fastest rates on earth, bringing widespread implications for the marine environment.

Despite New Zealand having one of the largest Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) in the world, there is limited information available to measure, monitor and predict how ocean warming will affect New Zealand waters.

The Moana Project has set out to address this...


New Zealand hoki quota owners proactively choosing to reduce catch

New Zealand hoki quota owners proactively choosing to reduce catch

Published: 26 September 2018

Quota owners in the New Zealand hoki fishing industry have announced today they have proactively chosen to reduce the amount of hoki they will catch next year, in response to changing patterns they are observing in one of the...


Increased catches from deepwater fisheries supported by science

Fisheries Minister Stuart Nash today (19/9/2018) announced his decisions on changes to fisheries catch limits from 1 October 2018.

Thirty-two catch limits were reviewed in this sustainability round.

Four deepwater fisheries were reviewed and each had their Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC) limits increased, decisions supported by the best available science.


Keeping our coastlines clean

Keeping our coastlines clean

Published: 25 July 2018

Some 16.6 tonnes of rubbish was removed from Stewart Island’s coastline in this year’s coastal clean-up.

The Stewart Island clean-up began in 2014 when thirty volunteers over three days removed 20 tonnes...


Proposed TACC Changes for 1 October 2018

Proposed TACC Changes for 1 October 2018

Published: 25 July 2018

Most of New Zealand’s commercial fisheries appear to be in good shape, according to the Ministry for Primary Industries’ (MPI) latest sustainability round.

Proposed TACC (Total Allowable Commercial Catch) changes...


Participating in reducing plastic pollution

Participating in reducing plastic pollution

Published: 27 June 2018

The New Zealand seafood industry is at the forefront of sustainable and environmentally responsible seafood, but, along with other industries, recognises the contribution it must make to combat plastic pollution in the marine environment.


Feds Conference Highlights Sound Environmental Progress

eds Conference Highlights Sound Environmental Progress

Published: 27 June 2018 There was a lot to celebrate at the recent Federation of Commercial Fishermen’s Conference in Nelson, not least that this fine organisation had reached the grand old age of 60. In times where the industry is under fire by environmental...

Leaked Risk Profile Reports Show MPI is Effectively Monitoring Fisheries Compliance

Leaked Risk Profile Reports Show MPI is Effectively Monitoring Fisheries Compliance

Published: 8 June 2018


  • Two confidential internal Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) reports that profiled compliance risks in the hoki and southern blue whiting fisheries during 2011 and 2012 were leaked to the media.
  • Media reports claim that these reports reveal wholesale misreporting in these...

New Zealand Oreo Fisheries Withdrawn from MSC Assessment

New Zealand Oreo Fisheries Withdrawn from MSC Assessment

Published: 28 May 2015

Deepwater Group Ltd would like to advise that the three New Zealand oreo fisheries  (Smooth Oreo (SSO4) Trawl Fishery, Black Oreo (BOE3A) Trawl Fishery, and Smooth Oreo (SSO3A) Trawl Fishery) have been withdrawn from Marine Stewardship Council...


New Zealand Squid Fisheries Withdrawn from MSC Assessment

Deepwater Group Ltd would like to advise that the two New Zealand squid fisheries (New Zealand EEZ Squid Trawl Fishery (SQU1T) and Auckland Islands Squid Trawl Fishery (SQU6T)) have been withdrawn from Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) assessment. Fisheries Improvement Plans (FIPs) have been developed and remedial actions are being implemented for each of these two fisheries. These...

Testing the Waters

The Chatham Rise is one of our most productive fishing grounds. So, in 2007, the Government accepted fishing industry proposals to ban bottom trawling there. It was one of 17 large areas of ocean the industry agreed to protect, since damaging the seabed diminished the health of the fisheries. On Wednesday, the Government rejected a proposal from Chatham...


Off the back of the Seaweb Sustainability Summit (New Orleans, US) this week, Deepwater Group held a public consultation meeting to update MSC Stakeholders on progress with MSC certification of New Zealand orange roughy. The meeting provided an update on new developments. Amongst those attending were representatives from retailers, eNGO’s and other interested parties. Recent developments...

Five things you need to know about New Zealand Seafood Sustainability

31 March 2014 1. New Zealand has a globally recognised quota management system to ensure there will be seafood for future generations and that any environmental impacts are mitigated and minimised. 2. This is an essential part of an industry that provides $1.5 billion in export income for New Zealand and provides 600,000 tonnes of healthy, sustainable...