Deepwater Group Ltd would like to advise that the two New Zealand squid fisheries (New Zealand EEZ Squid Trawl Fishery (SQU1T) and Auckland Islands Squid Trawl Fishery (SQU6T)) have been withdrawn from Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) assessment.

Fisheries Improvement Plans (FIPs) have been developed and remedial actions are being implemented for each of these two fisheries.

These fisheries will be submitted for assessment against the MSC Fisheries Standard upon completion of the ongoing improvements.  The Conformity Assessment Body, MRAG-Americas, will notify MSC Stakeholders of the re-entry timing and plans by email and by posting announcements on the MSC website at the time.

The Deepwater Group Squid FIP webpage will be regularly updated to keep our customers and MSC Stakeholders up-to-date with progress towards MSC certification.

For further information please contact the Deepwater Group Senior Policy Advisor, Sharleen Gargiulo (