Albert Times - special edition
In celebration of World Albatross Day on Saturday 19 June, we have dusted off the Albert Times and published this special edition.
To read the full edition, and to go in the draw TO WIN a $200 seafood voucher (as well as a coveted Albert Ross cap and a field guide to New Zealand seabirds) please click here.
From the desk of Admiral Albert Ross, MBE (mighty big eater)
Albert Ross here, head honcho of the world-famous organisation OFFAL (Oceans For Free Albatross Lunches).
Well, I’m happy to be back here for World Albatross Day. How great of ACAP to give us albatross some limelight! I am pleased to share with you some of the progress that Dave and his mates have made… looks like us Royals and even my second-class cousins the Mollymawks are safer from those warp strikes. They are down to a smidgen of what they were when I first squawked about it back in 2006 (we have raised 7 chicks since then. What!). But there’s still a lot to do, those crazy kamikaze diving mutton birds and their white-chinned petrel mates are still getting their necks caught in the mesh of those trawls, and my white-capped molly cousins seem to have caught the bug too! What are they thinking? It’s a real job solving that problem but if anyone can, Dave can. What!
Dave must be doing something right as our bird mitigation systems and devices are seen as world-class. But here’s more to do, it’s not easy leading the way. Sometimes it feels like some won’t be happy until there’s are no “steel lunch boxes” left, but what will we do for our free feeds then, what?! It’s moving onward and upward I say. Us albatross want to have our fish and eat it too!
Chow, Albert
New Zealand's deepwater fisheries - a success story. An excerpt from the DWG 2021 Report.
Name this cousin of mine and be in to win
World-leading mitigation devices - batching, tori lines and super bafflers
Deepwater protected species management - we are proud of the world-class results delivered over the last 15 years
Did you know... albatross pair for life (but don't practise monogamy)?