Operational procedures
The Operational Procedures (OPs) are an important part of our businesses and give confidence to the Minister and others that we are doing our jobs well with regular review and improvement.
In addition to extensive government regulations, quota owners have agreed to adhere to supplementary best practice measures outlined in the Deepwater Group Operational Procedures.
Although these procedures are non-regulatory, the Ministry for Primary Industries audits the vessels performance against these to identify if further improvements might be made.
View or download all of the OPs and Ten Commandments below
Ten Commandments
Ten Commandments - Fresh Fish Hoki
Ten Commandments - Ling Longliners to Save Seabirds
Ten Commandments - JMA Dolphins
Ten Commandments - Marine Mammals
Ten Commandments - Saving Seabirds
Ten Commandments - Scampi Vessels
Ten Commandments - Benthic
Ten Commandments - SQU 6T & SBW 6I Fisheries
Ten Golden Rules - Protected Species Reporting
Other Guides and Resources
Deepwater Benthic ID Guide 2022-23
Albatross ID Guide (Aug 2024)
Vessel Management Plans
Deepwater Trawl Vessel Management Plan (VMP) Template (Version 6)
Scampi Vessel Management Plan (VMP) Template (Version 3)
Trawl Vessel Protected Species Risk Management Plan (PSRMP) Template (2018-19)
Vessel Notice - Sea Lion Risk Management Actions SBW 6I - Campbell Island (2023)
Vessel Notice - SQU 6T Operational Requirements for Sea Lion Risk Management 2024-26