Fishing & science

This video walks you through some of the latest science on fishing globally. What are the real impacts on the environment? Is fish really a low-carbon protein? Watch this if you want to bust some of the myths you might have heard about how commercial fishing really works.

The science sources are here:

  1. Good for your heart and overall health Eating fish associated with significant health benefits: pooled analysis. Cardiovasc J Afr. 2021 Jul-Aug;32(4):227–31. PMCID: PMC8756069.
  2. Good for your brain Eating fish associated with significant health benefits: pooled analysis. Cardiovasc J Afr. 2021 Jul-Aug;32(4):227–31. PMCID: PMC8756069.
  3. 60 million people employed:
  4. Cumulative threats to the ocean: Halpern, B.S., Frazier, M., Afflerbach, J. et al. Recent pace of change in human impact on the world’s ocean. Sci Rep 9, 11609 (2019).
  5. Carbon and protein: (i) World Research Institute “GlobAgri model developed by CIRAD, Princeton University, INRA and WRI” Price data source is “USDA and BLS (2016)” (ii) McKinsey and co: (iii) Our World In Data Poore and Nemecek (2018). Reducing food’s environmental impacts through producers and consumers. Science.
  6. Biomass, Catch and Fishing Pressure: FAO graph in 2020 SOFIA report:
  7. Landings from sustainable stocks: 2022 UN SOFIA report: