Precision Seafood Harvesting (PSH), a revolutionary fishing method, was presented with the Supreme New Zealand Innovator award, chosen from all categories and given to the best overall entry. PSH also won the Innovation in Sustainability and Clean Tech award.
Idealog People’s Choice was awarded to Snap Information Technologies, who have developed an integrated video observation unit for New Zealand fisheries.
“These are cutting edge technologies that enhance New Zealand’s seafood sustainability credentials,” says Seafood New Zealand chief executive Tim Pankhurst.
“They have real application for protecting stocks and boosting the value of the prime fish we do land.”
PSH is a new, sustainable fishing technology that is looking to change the way we fish in the industry. Now in its commercialisation phase after nearly ten years of research by Plant & Food Research, fishing companies Aotearoa Fisheries, Sanford and Sealord are key partners with the Ministry for Primary Industries.
SnapIT is Trident Systems technology partner in the FishEye video observation initiative, a fixed camera with built in GPS that captures a 360 degree view of an entire fishing boat. The cameras will allow companies to improve their business and provide proof they are fishing in an environmentally sustainable way.
The New Zealand Innovators Awards is backed by the New Zealand Innovation Council, aimed at promoting high growth New Zealand organizations.