In 2016 New Zealand's largest orange roughy fisheries received Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification. This is a big achievement given the fisheries were overfished during the 1980-90s. The MSC’s sustainability tick is recognition of the improvements made in the science and management that has seen the fisheries rebuild to sustainable levels. New Zealand now harvests fewer than 5 adult orange roughy for every 100, leaving 95 to breed and sustain a healthy population.
New Zealand orange roughy certified as sustainable
The science behind the sustainability of New Zealand orange roughy
Minister Nathan Guy on MSC certified New Zealand orange roughy
Prof Ray Hilborn, University of Washington, on New Zealand orange roughy.
"Roughy on the Rise": the story of redemption to recognition
Chef Darren Lovell cooking New Zealand orange roughy
SLEDs - sea lion exclusion devices
The New Zealand sea lion population of around 12,000 is restricted to southern New Zealand and sub-Antarctic waters. Most breed on the Auckland Islands, which have a marine reserve to help protect these breeding colonies as well as other marine life here. In places, the foraging grounds of sea lions overlap with fishing grounds. To manage interactions, we use SLEDs, which allow sea lions to escape fishing nets alive and unharmed. These have proven successful and fishing is no longer a threat to local sea lion populations.
SLEDs in the Southern Ocean The Great Escape - sea lion exclusion device
SLED - sea lion exclusion device animation
A selection of videos from the Marine Stewardship Council
How are MSC-certified fisheries well managed?
How do MSC-certified fisheries protect fish stocks?
How do MSC-certified fisheries protect the marine environment? .
New Zealand MSC-certified hoki fish tacos
What is the MSC and why choose certified seafood?
Seabird Smart Fishing
This is one of the videos on display at the Taiaroa Head Albatross Visitor Centre
A selection of videos from Seafood New Zealand
New Zealand Bottom Trawling Explainer
Meet the people that shape the seafood sector and experience the world of New Zealand seafood.