Ling 2014 Assessment

LIN3, LIN4, LIN5, LIN6 & LIN7 are currently certified sustainable through the Marine Stewardship Council fisheries standard.

DWG undertakes to make all non-confidential information that is provided to the Conformance Assessment Body publicly available on this webpage to ensure all documents are easily accessible by all participants.


principle 1

"A fishery must be conducted in a manner that does not lead to over-fishing or depletion of the exploited populations and, for those populations that are depleted, the fishery must be conducted in a manner that demonstrably leads to their recovery."

The intent of this principle is to ensure that the productive capacities of the resources are maintained at high levels and are not sacrificed in favour of short term interests.

Akroyd et al. 2012. Hoki PCR V5
Bagley et al (2013) Trawl survey of hoki and middle-depth species in the Southland and Sub-Antarctic Nov-Dec 2011 - FAR 23
Beentjes et al. (2013) Review of QMS species for inclusion in the east coast South Island winter trawl survey reports - FAR 35
Horn & Ballara (2013) A descriptive analysis and CPUE from commercial fisheries for ling from 1990 to 2009 - FAR 13
Horn & Francis (2013) Stock assessment of ling in Cook Strait 2010-11 - FAR 7
Horn & Sutton (2012) Catch at age for hake and ling from catch and trawl survey 2010-11 - FAR 3
Horn & Sutton (2013) Catch-at-age for hake and ling 2010–11 from catch and trawl surveys 2011–12 - FAR 19
Horn et al. (2013) Stock assessment of ling on the Chatham Rise (LIN 3&4) & the Sub-Antarctic (LIN 5&6) 2011–12 -FAR 6
MPI (2006) Harvest Strategy Standard Discussion Document
MPI (2008) Harvest Strategy Standard. MFish
MPI (2010) 10 Year Research Programme for Deepwater Fisheries. Ministry of Fisheries. 148p
MPI (2011) Annual Operational Plan for Deepwater Fisheries 2011-12
MPI (2011) Operational Guidelines for Harvest Strategy Standard (Review)
MPI (2011) Operational Guidelines for Harvest Strategy Standard
MPI (2011) Science Working Groups - Terms of Reference
MPI (2012) Annual Operational Plan for Deepwater Fisheries 2012-13
MPI (2013) Annual Review Report -Deepwater-2011-12
MPI (2013) Fisheries Assessment Plenary - May 2013 - Volume 2 - Ling Chapter pp 544 -571
MPI (2013) Review of Management Controls for LIN 5 & 6 July 2013 (IPP)

MPI (2013) Review of Management Controls for LIN 7. July 2013
Stevens et al. (2011) Trawl survey of hoki and middle depth species on the Chatham Rise Jan 2010 - FAR 10
Stevens et al. (2012) Trawl survey of hoki and middle depth species on the Chatham Rise January 2011 - FAR 10

principle 2

"Fishing operations should allow for the maintenance of the structure, productivity, function and diversity of the ecosystem (including habitat and associated dependent and ecologically related species) on which the fishery depends."

The intent of this principle is to encourage management of fisheries from an ecosystem perspective under a system designed to restrain the impacts of the fishery on the ecosystem.

1 & 2. Retained and By-catch

Bagley et al (2013) Trawl survey of hoki and middle-depth species SubA Nov-Dec 2011 - FAR 23
Ballara et al (2010) Fish discards and non-target fish catch in the trawl for Hoki Hake and Ling - AEBR 48.pdf
Beentjes et al. (2013) Review of QMS species for inclusion in the ECSI winter trawl survey reports - FAR 35
DWG & MPI (2013) Ling Fishery Observer Programme Report (2007-08 to 2011-12) v2
MacGibbon et al (2009) Stargazer - FAR2 65
MPI (2008) FAP - Indentification of Candidate Stocks for QMS Introduction
MPI (2008) QMS Introduction Process Standard - Exec Summary
MPI (2013) Fisheries Assessment Plenary - May 2013 - Volume 1
MPI (2013) Fisheries Assessment Plenary - May 2013 - Volume 2
MPI (2013) Fisheries Assessment Plenary - May 2013 - Volume 3
ODriscoll et al (2011) FAR 47(a)
ODriscoll et al (2011) FAR 47(b)
ODriscoll et al (2011) FAR 47(c)
ODriscoll et al (2011) FAR 47(d)
ODriscoll et al (2011) FAR 47(e)
ODriscoll et al (2011) FAR 47(f)
ODriscoll et al (2011) FAR 47(g)
ODriscoll et al (2011) FAR 47(h)
ODriscoll et al (2011) FAR 47(i)
ODriscoll et al (2011) FAR 47(j)
ODriscoll et al (2011) FAR 47
Stevens et al (2010) Rattails Age Growth Maturity AEBR 59
Stevens et al (2011) Diet of Fishes 1960 to 2000 - AEBR 85 a
Stevens et al (2011) Diet of Fishes 1960 to 2000 - AEBR 85 b
Stevens et al. (2011) Trawl survey of hoki and middle depth species on the Chatham Rise Jan 2010 - FAR 10
Stevens et al. (2012) Trawl survey of hoki and middle depth species on the Chatham Rise January 2011 - FAR 10

3. ETP Species

DWG & MPI (2013) Ling Fishery Observer Programme Report (2007-08 to 2011-12) v2

Conservation Service Programme

Ramm (2010) CSP Observer Report 2008-09
Ramm (2012a) CSP Observer Report 2009-10
Ramm (2012b) CSP Observer Report 2010-11
Rowe (2009) CSP Observer Report 2006-07
Rowe (2010a) CSP Observer Report 2007-08


Baird et al (2012) Distribution of Protected Corals in New Zealand
1 Alcyonacea - Baird et al 2012
2 Anthoacthecata - Baird et al 2012
3 Antipatharia - Baird et al 2012
4 Scleractinia - Baird et al 2012
Consalvey et al (2006) Protected Coral Information Review
Miller et al (2009) Advances in Deep Sea Coral Science
Sherwood & Edinger (2009) Age & Growth of Deepsea Corals
Tracey et al (2007a) Age & Growth of Corals
Tracey et al (2011a) Distribution of Corals in relation to fishing
Tracey et al (2011b) habitat forming Corals
Tracey et al. (2011) Identification of Protected Corals

Marine Mammals and Seabirds

Abraham & Thompson (2011) ETP Captures 2008-09 - AEBR 80
Abraham & Thompson (2011) Seabird Captures 2008-09 - AEBR 79
Baird (2011) New Zealand Fur Seals - Summary of Current Knowledge - AEBR 72.pdf
DWG (2013) Ling BLL Seabird Summary
DWG (2013) Ling Trawl Seabird Summary
Fisheries Commercial Fishing Regulations 2001
Francis (2012) Fisheries Risks to the Population Viability of White-capped Albatross - AEBR 104
MPI (2011) Draft Seabirds Policy for addressing fishing related mortality of Seabirds.
Richard & Abraham (2011) Seabird Risk Assessment
Richard & Abraham (2013a) Seabird Risk Assessment AEBR 109
Richard & Abraham (2013b) Seabird Risk Assessment AEBR 109 - Supplementary
Richard & Abraham (2013c) Seabird PBR - AEBR 108
Rowe (2010b) Level 1 Seabird Risk Assessment
Thompson et al (2013) Common Dolphin Interactions In New Zealand Commercial Trawl Fisheries
Thompson et al (2013) Marine Mammals Captures 1995-96 to 2010-11 - AEBR 105

Sharks and Fishes

DWG & MPI (2013) Ling Fishery Observer Programme Report (2007-08 to 2011-12) v2
Frances & Sutton (2012) Basking Shark By-catch Review
Francis & Lyon (2012) Protected Fishes Review
Francis & Smith (2010) Basking Shark By-catch 2007-08 - AEBR 49
MPI (2010) Final Advice Paper - Review of Sustainability Measures (01 Dec 2010) - BSK
MPI (2010) Initial Position Paper & Submissions - Review of Sustainability Measures (01 Dec 2010) Vol2 BSK

Supplementary Documents

Abraham & Thompson (2011) ETP Captures 2008-09 - AEBR 80
Abraham & Thompson (2011) Seabird Captures 2008-09 - AEBR 79
Abraham et al (2010) ETP Captures 2007-08
Baird (2008) Net Captures of Seabirds
Baker et al (2009) NZ Fur Seal Census - Draft v2
Thompson & Abraham (2009) New Zealand Sea Lions 2006-07
Thompson et al (2010a) New Zealand Sea Lions 2007-08
Thompson et al (2010b) New Zealand Fur Seals

4. Habitats

Baird et al (2012) Distribution of Corals
Black (2013) Hake & Ling Trawl Footprint Analysis
Black et al (2013) LIN footprint tables
Black et al (2013) LIN footprint figure 1a
Black et al (2013) LIN footprint figure 1b
Black et al (2013) LIN footprint figure 2a
Black et al (2013) LIN footprint figure 2b
Black et al (2013) LIN footprint figure 3a
Black et al (2013) LIN footprint figure 4a
Black et al (2013) LIN footprint figure 4b
Black et al (2013) LIN footprint figure 5a
Black et al (2013) LIN footprint figure 5b
Black et al (2013) LIN footprint figure 6
Bowden (2010) Benthic Inverterbrate samples from Ocean survey 2020 CRCP AEBR 65
Floerl et al (2011) Benthic Patterns Chatham Challenger - AEBR 97
Hewitt et al (2011a) Biotic Habitats Chatham Challenger - AEBR 81
MPI (2007) Proposals for managing the fishing-related mortality of seabirds - Draft for public consultation.
Nodder et al (2007) Focusing of phytodetritus deposition beneath a deep-ocean front CR New Zealand.
Nodder et al (2011) Physical biogeochemical and microbial characteriestics of sediment CR and Ch. AEBR 70

Supplementary Documents

Bowden (2011) Benthic Data Chatham Challenger - AEBR 65
Kaiser et al (2006) Benthic Recovery Jennings et al (2001) Impact sof trawling disturbance
MPI (2011) Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Annual Review
Rice (2006) Impacts of Mobile Bottom Gear on Habitats
Rosenberg (2001) Benthic Succession
Rowden et al (2012) Marine Soft Sediment Assemblages - AEBR 96

5. Ecosystem

Dunn et al (2009) Fish abundance and climate trends AEBR 31
Dunn et al (2013) Trophic Interactions - Sharks
Knight et al (2011) Sustainability from an Energetics Perspective
Rice (2005) Ecosystem Effects
Stevens et al (2011) Feeding Habits of New Zealand Fishes - Litt Review a
Stevens et al (2011) Feeding Habits of New Zealand Fishes - Litt Review b

Supplementary Documents

Bradford-Grieve & Livingston (Eds) (2011) WCSI-Productivity
Fulton et al (2011)
Garrison & Link (2000) Fishing Effectson Trophic Guild Structure
Heymans et al (2011)
Link & Auster (2013)
Martins et al (2012)
Neubauer et al (2013)
Rice et al (2013)
Tuck et al (2009) Ecosystem Indicators

principle 3

"The fishery is subject to an effective management system that respects local, national and international laws and standards and incorporates institutional and operational frameworks that require use of the resource to be responsible and sustainable."

The intent of this principle is to ensure that there is an institutional and operational framework for implementing Principles 1 and 2, appropriate to the size and scare of the fishery.

Akroyd et al. 2012. Hoki PCR V5
Benthic Protection Areas Regulations 2007
Deed of Settlement 1992
DOC (2013) Conservation Services Programme Annual Plan 2013-14
DWG (2011) Marine Mammals Operational Procedures v7 2011-12
DWG (2011) Reporting Operational Procedures v5 2011-12
DWG MFISH (2010) Partnership Agreement
Fisheries Act 1996
Kazmierow et al (2010) Commercial Fishers Compliance Decision Making
Lock & Leslie (2007) New Zealand's Quota Management System - A History of the First 20 Years
MPI (2006) Harvest Strategy Standard Discussion Document
MPI (2007) Operational Guidelines for Harvest Strategy Standard
MPI (2008) FAP - Indentification of Candidate Stocks for QMS Introduction
MPI (2008) Fisheries 2030 - Report by PWC
MPI (2008) Harvest Strategy Standard. MFish
MPI (2008) QMS Introduction Process Standard - Exec Summary
MPI (2009) Compliance Information Sheet 01
MPI (2009) Compliance Information Sheet 02
MPI (2010) Compliance Information Sheet 03
MPI (2010) Compliance Information Sheet 04
MPI (2010) Compliance Information Sheet 05
MPI (2010) Compliance Information Sheet 06
MPI (2010) Compliance Information Sheet 07
MPI (2009) Stakeholder Consultation Process Standard. Ministry of Fisheries
MPI (2010) 10 Year Research Programme for Deepwater Fisheries. Ministry of Fisheries. 148p
MPI (2010) Final Advice Paper - Review of Sustainability Measures (01 Dec 2010) - BSK
MPI (2010) Final Advice Paper - Review of Sustainability Measures (01 Dec 2010) Vol 1 - BSK
MPI (2010) Final Advice Paper - Review of Sustainability Measures (01 Oct 2010)
MPI (2010) Initial Position Paper & Submissions - Review of Sustainability Measures (01 Dec 2010) Vol2 BSK
MPI (2010) National Fishing Plan Deepwater and Middledepth Fisheries Part 1A
MPI (2010) Overview of New Zealand Fishery Science Peer Review Processes. Ministry of Fisheries. 10 June 2010. 24p
MPI (2010) Statement of Intent. Minstry of Fisheries
MPI (2011) Annual Operational Plan for Deepwater Fisheries 2011-12
MPI (2011) Annual Report
MPI (2011) Operational Guidelines for Harvest Strategy Standard (Review)
MPI (2012) Annual Operational Plan for Deepwater Fisheries 2012-13
MPI (2013) Annual Review Report -Deepwater-2011-12
MPI (2013) Fisheries Assessment Plenary - May 2013 - Volume 1
MPI (2013) Fisheries Assessment Plenary - May 2013 - Volume 2
MPI (2013) Fisheries Assessment Plenary - May 2013 - Volume 3
MPI (2013) Fisheries Observer Tables 2010-11 & 2011-12
MPI (2013) National Fishing Plan Deepwater and Middledepth Fisheries Part 1B - Hake
Treaty of Waitangi (Fisheries Claims) Settlement Act 1992



 public certification report

You can read the final public certification report here.